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The Spiritual Tool That’s Hiding In Your Pantry

The Spiritual Tool That's Hiding In Your Pantry

The Spiritual Tool That's Hiding In Your PantryIf you’re new to cleansing or protective rituals, one of the first things you’ll be told to try isn’t a special crystal or any sort of spell candle, it’ll be salt — yes, the same salt that you sprinkle on your dinner. When your aim is something as mystical as guarding your home against negativity (or ghosts), normal salt might not seem powerful enough, although as a spiritual tool, salt keeps many of its important uses: Its nature of being an all-purpose substance that is easy to use enhances the overall effect of a ritual. It’s no wonder therefore, that salt’s spiritual properties partly have their roots in food. Barbara Moore, an author of Modern Guide to Energy Clearing says that Salt has been overly association with cleanliness, protection, and purity probably because its mundane uses include purifying and preserving food. She explains that salt’s color (white) connects it to purity, and its ability to maintain food’s freshness gives it protective properties. “Magical or symbolic uses of an item often reflect the characteristics of that item’s everyday uses,” Moore adds.

To that end, the spiritual uses for salt are just about as wide and ranging as its everyday or “mundane” uses, as Moore calls them. If you’re not sure how to start using salt as a spiritual tool, Moore suggests that you start with focusing on its protective powers. To maintain a sense of safety while on a journey, she’d fill a small bag with salt and other protective items like runes, and then stow it away in her purse, luggage, or glove compartment. According to her, one can also do something as simple as keeping a bowl of salt in each room of one’s home. Moore says doing so will help to balance and stabilize the energy throughout the house.

However, if you choose to use salt, Moore recommends doing a little prep work first, to ensure that the salt works to achieve the end result you desire. Put the salt you want to use on a table, bookshelf, windowsill, or on an altar if you have one. Then reflect your plans for it. “I invite the spirit of the salt to work with me to protect my home” (or whatever your intention is) and leave it overnight, Moore says. By the next morning, the salt’s energy ought to be ready, and you can use it as you wish.

For what it’s worth, Moore says that just having salt in your pantry, without charging it to a specific goal, will have some effect on the overall energy of your home, but won’t make as much of a difference.

So, the next time you move into a new house and want to neutralize the space, all you need to do is grab your salt shaker and get down to business. The same goes for keeping you and your belongings safe while traveling and staying calm ahead of a stressful meeting or conversation. Salt’s soothing energy is as versatile as it gets, so it’ll never hurt to have it around. And, if nothing else, you’ll never have an unseasoned meal.

What are runes?

What are runes?

What are runes?Runes are amazing old symbols that can be used for the purposes of magic and divine. They were used in the past for Germanic languages. Quite a number of distinct runes were developed but were later replaced by the Latin alphabet that is still being used for writing up to date. I really fancy their historical background and I think they are a great inspiration to us.

History says that runes were holy gifts to mortals and Norse God Odin was the first one to have it after wounding himself with a spear then hanging himself from Yggdrasil, the World Tree for one week two days.

The word rune means ‘secret’. And quite a number of pieces of evidence from iron age of the Romans and Germans suggests that they were used for magical purposes. They usually appear on amulets and people think they were carved to act as charms. There is a warning of the 6th century from the master or runes warning that there are powerful runes that have been hidden in the monument and will bring death to anyone who tries to damage it.

Runes were only used by a few people and only became popular in the ’80s. shops were filled with books, cards and rune set revealing how they could be used for magical and divinatory purposes. Quite a number of people use runes for inspiration while beginning their psychic path.

These runes work like the I-Ching when used for divine purposes, in that, they are stored in a bag then drawn one by one, cast them on a flat surface then read them one by one.

Healing power of runes

Healing power of runes

Healing power of runesUsing runes as source of healing is not as well known as other natural tools, but it can be very effective.  Runes have terrific therapeutic value. This is due to their ancient grounded energies.  This, combined with their balancing vibrations can not only heal us, but teach us lessons as well.

Illness is the our bodies have of warning us that we are working against our own harmony and that we are out of balance. When they body is out of balance, we can use the runes to put us back on track. Runes can help us learn the lessons that our bodies are trying to teach us.

When using the runes to heal, we should ask the universe to guide us to a healing rune. When this rune is selected it will become Odin’s rune. The next step is to meditate to understand the meaning and message. The best way to do this, is to find a quiet space to focus on the healing.  If you can, lie still with the rune near or on the place where you need healing.  Focus on what the rune has to teach you.  Next, feel the vibrations and essence of the stone into your being.  Let your intuition tell you how long your need to stay in place.

You may want to carry the rune with you to help the healing begin. This will help you to unlock the power within you.  Different runes will give you different power.  The Laguz rune, for example will help you with emotional issues as it guides to you to finding the harmony within you.

Once you have selected a rune, you will see how the message it is giving you is coming to your aid.  It will lead you to the right treatment as it reveals the cause of you illness.

Listen to the runes and learning the lessons will help you change your life with empowerment.

A Personal Interpretation of Rune Casting

A Personal Interpretation of Rune Casting

A Personal Interpretation of Rune CastingRune casting is a very personal thing and definitely, if you would like to cast for other individuals, you need to be successful and a procedure that does not involve running around naked. How you would like to cast is up to you, there are many examples of how to cast it in websites and books. Discovering your own procedure is however the best way. The way the casting is done is not essential but the procedure used is as long as it’s simple and does not transform too much.

Once you’ve decided on that, your procedure is not stone set and no foot will stamp on it if you decide not to follow it every time.

Choose a set of runes, wood, beach stones or card, metal, semi-precious stones. Do not be near plastic ones but look for ones where you can hold all the runes in your hands at once. The set I used mostly was a gift from a friend. He made them out of copper with a bronze inlay himself. I began with clay set which came with an instructional book. You might need to make your own set at the beginning.

Secondly, you need something to keep them in. runes tend to get lost if they are not kept lose and a coat pocket is not very good. Some authors recommend a bag made from natural materials such as wood, leather or cotton. I always have a leather made bag for my set. If you are not happy using leather you can use other kinds of materials. The bag is yours, therefore, make it big enough so that it can be able to hold the runes firmly. It shouldn’t, however, be very big. Other individuals prefer casting runes by drawing them out of their containers therefore if you would cast them this way then the bag should be big enough so that it doesn’t hold your hand.

Thirdly, you need to cast them on something. And a piece of cloth is mostly preferred. Do not use bright colors as this distract your focus. If you would like cast by drawing them from a bag then the piece of cloth is not necessary although it’s useful when you want to keep your runes together. Any kind of material will do, me I use a silk handkerchief.

Runes names are very essential to some clients although they aren’t to me. You might find them very important and find it hard to do without them. My method is however very distinctive.  You can begin your own procedure by discovering one that you love the sound off and start practicing it until you become used to it.

Another challenging subject is lending your runes. I have never experienced it so I can’t tell my reaction. I am also not paying attention to the idea. There are authors who are ready to lend as they see runes as tools that anybody can use. Mine is however very personal and anyone who knows me knows that I cannot lend them but they can look and touch.

Communicating telepathically

Communicating telepathically

Communicating telepathicallySometimes in our lives we feel the need to know someone a bit better than you do. You have  a pull towards this person and it goes deeper than what can be said in a real conversation.  What this is could be the urge to have a telepathic connection with someone.

The idea of telepathy has entranced humankind for centuries.  There are stories and legends galore about beings with the power of telepathy.  Ancient and indigenous cultures report of people who can “read minds” and communicate telepathically.

This ability appeals to us on a deeper level. This is why it is important to know exactly what this ability is.


Telepaths transmit information through thoughts and feelings.  Psychics communicate with spirits.   Telepathy comes from the great meaning “far away feeling”.  This makes sense when you know what telepathy is.  It is a way to transmit thought and feelings from a long distance.

Almost all of us have had an experience of telepathy.   It can be a simple as waking and feeling that we need to reach out to someone or suddenly think about someone only to have them call moments later. Having experienced this, we know that there is the capacity for telepathic communication.

Cold Reading is not telepathy

Telepathy is often confused with cold reading. Cold reading is a means of gathering information by observing body language and other exterior details.  It is used as a means of tricking people, not understanding them.  Someone who is especially skilled at cold reading can give the impression of communicating telepathically.  This is not a true means of deep connection.

Developing telepathy

One of the most important factors of telepathic communication is energetic coupling.  When two people are close either through love or friendship, there are shared interests.   This common ground makes it very easy to develop the kind of shared energy that telepathy requires.

You can practice this by  transmitting the other participant in a series of simple questions, such as favorite colors, favorite foods, etc.  Try to read their thoughts before they speak.  You may want to focus on the feeling you get before they speak.  Once you establish this bond it can stay strong for days and months even though you may be separated by miles and distance.

Stretching and relaxing

Telepathy can also help in the focusing and relaxing of the mind.   Yoga is an excellent way to prepare for telepathy because it is spiritual and low in intensity.

For telepathy to work, each person should be relaxed. Meditating with the eyes closed is a good way to start.  Focus should be given to the clear thoughts that come into the mind.  This is a way to center on the impressions that are being sent.

Sending and receiving 

Both parties involved should designate who is sending and who is receiving in this type of communication.   This sets clear boundaries to avoid confusion.  To start with, the partners should be facing each other with eyes closed.  The sender should visualize the receiver, picturing them clearly in detail.  At this point, the sender should form a very clear picture of the message to be sent before sending it.  They should also picture the energy connecting the two. Overall, the sender should completely believe in their own power.  When the message and the connection are clear in the mind, the sender should push the image towards the receiver.

The receiver should also concentrate on the message being sent. When they receive the message they should write it down in as much detail as possible.  Then the two should compare messages.

Telepathy uses intuition and brain power to communicate. This involves practice and focus. Do not be disappointed if you can’t do this right away.. You may have to practice several times and build up endurance to communicate successfully.

It is important to choose the right partner; someone you can trust.  It is equally important to believe in your ability to do this.  You should also be patient. You should know who will send and who will receive in your communication.  You should select a message and prepare in advance.

Once you have created a successful telepathic connection, you can test it by spending time apart from your partner  to see if you can successfully reconnect.

How to ask Runes for guidance?

How to ask Runes for guidance?

How to ask Runes for guidance?Runic Alphabet, also known as futhark,  are used by Germanic peoples for ages as a tool of divination or a way to predict the future. Rune Stones or cards contain 24 runes, divided into three groups of eight. Runes were traditionally carved onto different materials such as stone, wood, bone, metal or glass and usually kept in a pouch or box. Ruins usually come with a book of instructions defining the symbols.

The word ‘rune’ means mystery, whisper or secret and runes are used in divination and charms. They are used to help gain insight into situations or questions.

Each rune symbol is not only a letter of the alphabet, but they also have symbolic meanings.

Runes of the Elder Futhark:

  • Fehu, F, means wealth: self-love, improved income, happiness, wealth and success. Reversed: Disappointment, loss, and frustration.
  • Uruz, U, means wild or falling rain: Strength, love, health, change for the better. Reversed: Lack of power and motivation.
  • Thurisaz, T, means giant: Door opening and truth-telling. Reversed: unfavourable news or a sense of feeling vulnerable.
  • Hagalaz, H, means hail: Nature at its worst. Destruction and damage. Cannot be reversed.
  • Ansuz, A, means an ancestral god: new beginnings and communications, messengers, signals, and gifts. Reversed: Deceit by those you trust.
  • Raidho, R, means ride or journey: journeys and travel. Reversed: indicative of delays and possibly difficult journeys.
  • Kenaz, K, means a beacon or torch: a warning of danger to health. Reversed: Depression, anxiety, loss of someone close to you.

Single stone reading 

How to ask Runes for guidance?This reading requires just a single rune stone. Here’s what you should do:

  • Place all rune stones in a bag
  • Clear your mind and focus on the questions you want to ask.
  • Hold the bag in your receptive hand and mix up the stones with the fingers of your receptive hand
  • Ask the question and take a rune stone from the bag.
  • The symbol written on the stone should answer your question.
  • If you require further clarification, grab another stone from the bag and read the symbol on it.
  • If you find that you still need more clarification, it might be the time to place the stone back in the bag and reshuffle the stones and rephrase your question.

Four Stone Reading

This reading is the more complicated one and is better left to those who have rune stones’ advanced knowledge. This reading requires you to read a combination of four rune stones. Here’s what should be done:

  • Clear your mind and focus on the questions you seek answers to.
  • Hold the bag of rune stones in your receptive hand and mix up the stones in the bag with the fingers of your receptive hand,.
  • Ask your question.
  • Grab four stones from the bag, one at a time.
  • Read the letter on each stone and place them in front of you.
  • The first stone indicates the past.
  • The second stone indicates the present.
  • The third stone indicates the future.
  • The fourth stone indicates the behaviors and energies.

A lot of people believe that the selections made within the runes stones are not random at all, they are the choices made by our subconscious. And some believe that the rune stones selected hold the answers provided by the Divine to affirm what we have long known in our hearts and refused to admit it.

Discover Your Rune Message

Runes are a type of ancient alphabet system whose creation has been attributed to the Celtics, Germans and Scandinavians. Their use dates back as far as 98 AD. Runes were carved into wood, bone or stone traditionally. Then they were stored in a cloth pouch that was considered sacred, and not to be touched by just anyone.

The word “rune” is roughly translated to mean “whisper” or “holy secret”. This is because each rune is assigned a special meaning, which can lend intuitive guidance to their readers, much like tarot cards do. There were a total of 24 runes, which is similar to our own English alphabet. They all have not only an alphabetical value, but an astrological value, and were linked to the eight directions and different cycles in nature.

Traditionally there were two ways to read runes. The first was that a person could manually pick out runes, much like readings performed with tarot cards. The second format was for the psychic to read the runes when they fell out of the bag. In this way, they could read the runes, regardless of if there was another person around to give a reading to. Just like there are different “spreads” or ways to arrange tarot for readings, there were multiple different spreads for runes, as well.

Your Rune Reading

This is, by no means, a traditional form of rune reading, but it is fun to try. This will also teach you about the meanings of the runes and practice with them. To start, think of a problem that you’re struggling with, or a question you have. Once you have your question, focus on it. Then look at the runes below and pick the one that stands out to you.

Rune Meanings:

FEHU: The symbology behind this rune is wealth and finances. So, it means you need to pay attention to your finances or focus on them. It could be that you’re going to come across some money, or that you’re about to make a career or job change.

Uruz: This rune represents power, strength and fertility. It often means that you’ll need the power and strength to take back control out of your life. It’s a good sign if you’re trying to start or grow your family. It’s also a helpful sign if you’re looking to start a new project, or relationship.

Thursiaz: The meaning behind this rune is struggle and hardship. You’re unfortunately going to go through a bit of a rough patch. It can also mean that you need to meditate or do some soul searching in order to grow and move on.

Ansuz: This rune represents “Divine breathe”. Your intuitive powers are likely very strong right now. The rune could indicate that you’re undergoing a spiritual awakening. Sometimes it also means that you’ll take on the role of a healer, or that you’ll consult a shaman.

Raidho: This rune represents journeys or cycles. This could mean that you’re currently going through a cycle in your life that is quite important. Or, you could be about to embark on a trip, which will likely bring you some sort of enlightenment. This rune also offers protection and good luck while you’re on your trip.

Kaunaz: The words associated with this rune are creativity, wisdom and inspiration. If you have a problem in your life right now, you have the necessary traits to solve it creatively. It does, however, indicate that you may need to take a step back and look at the problem a different way. You may also need to break a habit or let go of the past to solve it. So, keep an open mind.

Gebo: This rune indicates a gift. Some unexpected good luck or fortune will come your way. This rune is considered to be a good omen, especially for romance, fertility and relationships. It’s considered to be the luckiest rune, and it indicates some sort of generosity from the Universe. It’s important to remember to be generous in kind, once you do receive your gift.

Wunju: This rune represents the achievement of your goals, and happiness. It notably means that you’ve worked hard, and that it may be time to stand aside and relax now. And, it also means that you might complete a goal.

Hagalaz: This rune represents storms. It means that changes to your life are coming. Most likely, you’re stuck in a rut, repeating actions that aren’t doing you any good. You’ll need to break bad habits and cut some toxic people off before the dust settles and the storm dies down.

Naudiz: This rune indicates an unfulfilled desire. There’s something that you want, which you haven’t had the confidence to get. It indicates that it’s now time for you to regain your confidence and fulfill your desires. It can also mean that you’ve gone through a rough patch, but that it’s about to get better.

Isa: Isa means “ice”. It represents the fact that you need to freeze and reflect on your life, problems you’re having, and do some soul searching. Things are at a stand-still for you right now, and that you need to be patient so they’ll start moving again and get better. It also indicates that you probably need to meditate, exercise and spend some time in nature because you have some energy blocks.

Jara: This rune is the embodiment of cycles. You’re most likely about to start a new cycle in your life. And, you’ll probably need to cut some toxic people, things or habits from your life in order to fully benefit from the new cycle. It’s considered a good omen, and a sign of fertility and growth.

Eihwaz: This rune means that you need to confront your fears in order to take control of your life and make it better. It also indicates the type of life-changing transformation that can help you find your purpose. While it does indicate struggle, there will be a calm after the storm.

Perthu: This is the rune that represents magic. The indication is that you have powerful magical abilities, and have the ability to change the outcome of your situation, if you so choose. Simply tell the Universe what it is that you need, sit back and watch it happen. It’s also an omen for developing and enhancing psychic powers.

Algiz: This rune means that you’re being offered divine protection and guidance. Whatever your question was, the Universe is ready to help. All you need do is open yourself to receive the guidance you need. It can also indicate that you need to do some personal growth, focusing on both your physical and mental health and well-being.

Sowulo: This means “Sun”. It’s a very good omen, and it indicates that you’ll receive a positive outcome. You’ll notice that you feel healthier, stronger and luckier. Things are falling into place for you. Lots of positive energy is moving around you, so be sure that you use it wisely. This rune is also a good omen that indicates good health and positive career changes.

Teiwaz: This is the representation of discipline and duty. You’ll need to start paying attention to details, carefully looking at things from all angles before proceeding. Don’t make decisions hastily or impulsively. This rune also indicates that you’ll need some healing and rest, which makes sense if you’re working hard to be disciplined.

Berkana: This indicates both healing and a fresh start. Whatever has happened to you, it’s behind you, leaving you free to move on. Use this time to build your strength up and heal from your past traumas.

Ehwaz: This rune represents movement. Rather than standing still and stagnating, you’ll be taking steps forward. It’s also a good time for you to take this opportunity to start speaking your truth.

Mannaz: This translates to mean “man”. It indicates trouble with family, friends, or your community. When you get this rune, it means that it’s time to re-evaluate your relationships and decide whether or not they benefit you. While it does indicate trouble with family and friends, it also represents supportive family members and friends. So, it’s a good idea to ask them for guidance about those toxic relationships.

Laguz: This represents not only emotions, but the subconscious mind. Thoughts and emotions are bubbling up to the surface, and you likely don’t know where they’re coming from. You’ll need to start paying attention to them, using your intuition to guide you and find out why you feel the way you feel. It may take some work to release emotions that are hidden so far down that you don’t recognize them, let alone know where to find them.

Ingwaz: This is a representation of work and productivity. This is a good for all aspects of you career. It’s a good omen that can indicate things like a promotion, a raise, or just some general success. So, take the next step in your career, whether that is making a bold move, or asking for a raise.

Dagaz: This means “day”. It points to activity, happiness, and satisfaction. You’re having good luck, you’re in a good place and your energy is magnetic. Now is a good time to seize opportunities and take the lead. Also, it indicates a positive outcome regarding your question.

Othala: This rune represents the strengthening of family bonds. It could mean that some sort of family relationship needs work or healing. It could also mean that your family is growing, either through children or marriage. It may also indicate an inheritance in the form of money, land, or other property.

Rune Healing & White Magic

                 Rune healing is not as common as crystal healing or other psychic healing process but it works wonder and can give significant changes into a miserable and lonely life of someone. So, Do you have a problem to make a decision? Don’t you know what should be your next step? Can’t you predict the consequences of your action? We will help you to look into your possible future and we will accompany you in the process of decision-making. Try to imagine how many things you would do differently, if you knew their consequences beforehand? That is exactly what we will help you to make real.

We are here to help you and we are pleased to be your guides on your way. We will help you to have a look at your situation from a spiritual point of view and we will support you in solving your problems.

Rune 1 Mannaz

1. MANNAZ – The Self

Remain modest – that is the right of the oracle.  Be in the world, but not from the world.  Stay receptive to impulses, that come out of the divine in the inner and outer sphere.  Seek  to live the usual life in an unusual manner.

If you take the ‘itself’ rune and cut through it in the middle, you are going to receive the rune of joy and its reflection.  So there is a fine warning not to be careless. The acrobatically dancing energy of the balance is asked here to bring its higher itself.  Nothing in the excess – that was the second request that was to be read at the entrance to the delphish temple.  The first advice read:  Recognize you yourself!

Rune 2 Gebo

2. GEBO – a Partnership, a Gift

If this rune is pulled, that is a sign that unity, union or partnership is near.  But you are requested, not to throw yourself into this connection.  A true partnership can only consist of two independent, healthy beings, that preserve there own independence also in this union. This advice is important at all levels: in romantic relationships, in commercial things, simply in partnerships of every type.

Rune 3 Fehu

3. FEHU – Property, Food, Livestock

Fehu is the rune of fulfillment: ambition satisfied, salary received, fulfilled love. It also promises food, from the commonplace to the holy divine. This rune requires a deep exploration of the importance of profit in your life. Another aspect of Fehu is the conservation and preservation of what has already been won. Caution and vigilance are necessary, especially in happy times. Even if there is a reason for celebration,  don’t be distracted by reckless bliss.

Rune 4 Othila

4. OTHILA – Separation, Withdrawal, Heir

This is the time of your ways separating. Old skin must shed, outdated relationships need to be given up.  If this rune appears, a “molting” is necessary.  Othila is a rune of the radical separation.  Obedience and probably also withdrawal is necessary – to know, when and how you need to withdraw, and to actually have the determination, to do it.  Property is also an aspect of this rune, because Othila is the rune of the acquisition and profit.  The profit however, that “heir”, which you receive, could likely be made of something that you need to abandon. This process can be especially hard if that what needs to be abandoned is something of your cultural heir and backing.  Not ‘rigidly’ but rather like a ‘river’ is the correct attitude to have.  And yet – you have to wait that the universe begins to act.

Rune 5 Uruz

5. URUZ – Power, Manhood, Femaleness, A Wild Bull

The rune of the termination and new beginning.  If it is pulled, it means that the life you used to live has grown out of its frame and needs to be left behind now, so that the life-energy can liberate itself, like a rebirth, into a new one. Be prepared for the chance, that hides itself behind the costume of loss.  At the same time modesty is demanded, because in order to rule, you must serve first.

Rune 6 Perth

6. PERTH – Initiation, Something Concealed, A Secret Thing

Deep, inner trans formative powers are interacting, but what you are going to get out of them isn’t easy to recognize.  An integrity – concealed, disguised, secretly hidden.  After all, what is going to heal us and our soul is a deep mystery.  On the side of the material world there probably will be surprises; unexpected profits are nothing to be excluded.  Nothing less than a renewal your spirit is the risk you take.  The old way found its end:  You simply cannot repeat the old things any longer without suffering.  However, you always have a chance:  Either you see all negative as a “misfortune”, or you recognize the entire as a hindrance stretch, an inaugural way that you have to follow at this moment.

Rune 7 Nauthis

7. NAUTHIS – Compulsion, Necessity, Pain

Our lesson is the necessity of bearing strong enforcement. Your positive aspects can be controlled by the people who surround you. To pull this rune means to get a hint that there is going to be stagnation  – an occasion to re-consider your plans carefully.  It is the time to pay off old guilt and even if it’s easy it is time to restore balance. Therefore improve, reconstruct, organize: if the fishermen cannot pull out, they repair their fishing nets. You must deal with and face your own demons. So keep your anger as well as your impulses under control.  Modesty and a good mood are essential in such times.

Rune 8 Inguz

8. INGWUZ – Fertility, New Beginning, The God-Hero

It is the completion of the initiation that Inguz needs. It may indicate a time of joyful liberation, a new life, a new way. As a rune of great power it means that you have the strength to reach you completion, the solution from which there is a new beginning. The completion, the finish/finalization is most important. This Rune indicates that you have to fertilize the soil for your own liberation. Everything is changing, and we cannot live constantly in the midst of obstacles.

Rune 9 Algiz

9. ALGIZ – Protection, Sedge and Rushes, a Moose

This is about the control of emotions. During transition periods, changing the course of life and accelerated self-change, it is important not to rush into emotions, either positive or negative. Remember that early action and right conduct are the only real protection. No matter whether your business flourishes or fades, don’t worry. Maybe you don’t win, but you will never lose, because you will always learn from what has happened. Moderation and civility are the strengths of the protective forces of this rune.

Rune 10 Einwaz

10. EIHWAZ – Defense, Defensive Forces, Yew

During our tests, we gather the strength to ward off, repel blockades and defeat. At the same time we develop an aversion to the pattern of behavior that lead to tense situations in our lives. Patience is the advice of Eihwaz. No hassle, no action or yaw for a desired result is necessary. Perseverance and caution are required. Avoid foreseeable difficulties by doing the right thing. Eihwaz means to see, despite inconveniences and discomforts, growth is still encouraged.

Rune 11 Ansuz

11. ANSUZ – Signals, Messenger Rune, The God Loki

The keyword is receiving – messages, signals, gifts.  Even a timely warning can be received as a gift.  If the messenger rune brings holy knowledge, one is probably blessed.  Put effort into every meeting, visits and accidental encounters, be especially attentive and aware – in particular with people, that are wiser than yourself.  In the opposite situation, Ansuz says:  Think of the positive aspects of the unfortunate.

Rune 12 Wunjo

12 WUNJO – Joy, Light

This rune is the fruit-bearing branch. Time of travail is gone and to some extent you have found yourself. The necessary change is now behind, and you are free to receive its blessing, either material or emotional or an increased well-being. Wunjo is a rune of restoration of a harmonious combination of limtting the ego with the higher self. Properly seen, everything is a test. Consciously in the present, honest to the others and with confidence in your way, you should know that you cannot fail.

Rune 13 Jera

13. JERA – Harvest, Fertile Phase, One Year

Jera, eine Rune des guten Gelingens, bezieht sich auf jede Aktivera, a rune of good success, refers to any activity or effort you devote yourself. To see this rune is an encouragement to remain in good spirits. But you should know that quick results cannot be achieved. A period is always associated, therefore the keyword “one year”, which stands as a symbol for the full cycle of time that is before the harvest or exemption/liberation.

Rune 14 Kenau Kano

14. KENA/ KANO – Opening, Fire, Torch

This is the rune of opening, the new clarity, the expulsion of the darkness that has obscured/covered a part of your life. Now you are free to experience the joy of giving. Kano is the rune for the morning full activity, for sincerity, clarity and concentration, which is all important if you are getting ready for your job. This rune offers its protection: the more light you have, the better you can see what is irrelevant and outdated in your setting.

Rune 15 Tyr Teiwaz

15. TYR, TEIWAZ – Warrior Energy, the God Tiu

This is the rune of the spiritual warrior. His fight is always the limiting ego. His will is strengthened by the act, but the warrior outcome, and he always knows that he cannot do anything but hinder himself because the will of heaven will prevail – these are his marks. This rune also contains the energy of the distinction. Patience is the virtue of this rune. You are asked to look inwardly, to dive down to the foundation of your life. If you dedicate your question to a certain case, an idea, a certain way, the Warrior Rune recommends perseverance, even if sometimes endurance is required in the form of patience. What are your priorities? How do you use your energy? The Rune Teiwaz stands for courage and devotion.

Rune 16 Berkana

16. BERKANA – Growth, Rebirth, Birch

Berkana, the rune of the life process, another cycle rune, which stands for fertility, which leads both symbolically and actually to growth. Berkana is about the power to influence development and the nature in which it flows into your body. Its action is gentle and penetrating. Scatter the resistance first, then accomplish your work. To make this possible, your wish must be clear and controlled. Conversely, events, or, more likely character aspects distract the growth of new life.

Rune 17 Ehwaz

17. EHWAZ – Movement, Progress, Horse

Ehwaz is a rune of passage, of transition and movement: location changes, relocation, new attitudes or new life. This rune also represents movement, such as improving a situation. This rune is combined with gradual development and continuous progress, even slow growth of some changes and transformations. Conversely, movement that seems to block. Make sure that what you do or do not do happens at the right time. There are no missed opportunities, we only need to recognize that not all opportunities are intended for us.

Rune 18 Laguz

18. LAGUZ – Flowing Water, The Driving

Invisible forces are at work here, creative and productive forces of nature. The attributes of this rune are water, liquid, ebb and the flow of tides and emotions, of careers and relationships. The key to success lies in the contact with your intuitive knowledge, in the mood for your inner rhythms. Conversely, warning against exaggeration, from excessive striving. An advice against the attempt to overestimate your own forces or to work over the top for your own property.

Rune 19 Hagalaz

19. HAGALAZ – Destructive Forces Of Nature, Elemental, Hail

Change, freedom, invention and caution are attributes of this Rune. To pull it indicates the existence of an urgent need in your psyche to free itself from the confines of identification with material reality, and to experience the world of archetypal thinking. The Rune of elementary destruction and of things that are completely outside your control. Hagalaz is only upright, not vice versa, and yet it always works through the reverse. If you pull this rune, you can expect resolution, because it is the big ‘awakening. The more serious the damage is in your life, the more important and contemporary are the requirements for your further growth.

Rune 20 Thurisaz

20. THURISAZ – Gateway, the Location Of Non-Doing

With the symbol of the gateway the rune shows that there is work for you, and both inside and outside of yourself. Thurisaz is the Rune of non-doing, therefore the gateway is not to reach, or to pass through without contemplation. This rune reinforces your patience, now is not the time to make decisions. Thurisaz, conversely, requires contemplating. Urgent decisions may be regretted later on, probably because you are acting out of weakness.

Rune 21 Dagaz

21. DAGAZ – Breakthrough, Transformation, Day

If it is pulled, it shows a greater thrust or breakthrough in the process of self transformation. In every life there is at least one point that –it is detected and accepted- it is going to change this life forever. So you can have absolute trust, even when the moment requires that you jump empty-handed into the void. Sometimes this Rune leads also to a major phase of success and thrive.

Rune 22 Isa

22. ISA – Stagnation, That Which Hinders, Ice

The winter of the spiritual life has come upon you. You may find yourself trapped in a situation whose importance you cannot recognize effectively. You are powerless to do anything other than to bend, or even pass on a long-held desire. Try to find out what it is, what you hold, the effect of this situation and let it go. Enter by and be silent, because what you see is not necessarily a consequence of your actions and habits, but the circumstances of the time, against which you cannot do anything. To yield shows courage and wisdom.

Rune 23 Raidho Raido

23. RAIDHO, RAIDO – Communication, Agreement, Reconciliation, A Journey

This rune is about the communication, the mood of something that has two sides, two elements, and about a different reunion. Here grows the intrinsic value, and at such times, we must remember that it is not envisaged that we rely totally on our own strength, but instead ask ourselves what is the right action.

Rune 24 Sowilo Sowelu

24. SOWILU, SOWELU – Wholeness, Vitality, The Energy Of The Sun

This rune stands for wholeness – so for that which our body needs. It embodies the impulse for self-knowledge. As a great power rune Sowelu shows that the life force can be available for you and that there is a time to recharge and regenerate again. Here again a warning of being too cocky. Meditate on Christ’s words: I can do nothing of myself. From our own strength we cannot do anything.

Rune 25 Odin Das Unwisbare

25. ODIN – The Unknowable, The God Odin

Empty is the end, empty is the beginning. Like the phoenix from the ashes it rises – from what we call fate. The surrender of control is the supreme challenge for a spiritual warrior. If you drag the blank rune, take courage. Trust that the universe will make self change in your ongoing life progress.

Origin Of The Runes

Older than the New Testament, the runes lied broken for over 300 years. Most recently they were in use in the late Middle Ages in Iceland. They were transformed from the Tarot and the Chinese Book of Changes and were used as the I Ching of the Vikings at that time.

With the rune-masters, their wisdom died as well. Nothing was left except the sagas, the scattered fragments of runic history and the rune itself

The influence of the runes on their time was undeniable. Elliott writes that the tribal leaders and advisers of Anglo-Saxon England called their consultations, which they held in secret meetings, “Runes”. As Bishop Wulfila translated the Bible into fourth century Gothic, he used in Markus 4, 11 (“you are given the knowledge about the secret of the kingdom of God”) for the word runa “secret”.

From the beginning, the runes also had a ritual function, for divination and invocation of higher powers that could affect the lives and happiness of the tribe. The are of the rune masters touched every aspect of life, the most holy to the everyday, practical. There were runes and spells to influence the weather, the tides, the seed, love and health. Runes for fertility, and a curse for the abolition of a curse, for birth and death. Runes were carved on amulets, drinking cups and javelins, and carved on the lintel of the houses and at the bow of the Viking ships.

The rune masters and vikings wore striking clothes, which you could recognize easily. Adored, welcomed and feared at the same time, those shamans were familiar figures in tribal circles. There is evidence that a sizable number of runes experts were women.

The detailed operation of a similar tradition is much older and is from the Roman historian Tacitus. In the year 98 AD, he reported on the customs of the Germanic tribes. Although in later Anglo-Saxon period alphabets included up to thirty-three sign, the traditional Germanic Futhark script consisted of twenty-four runes. These were divided into three “families” of eight runes, it was said that the numbers three and eight, had special magical powers. The three groups (aettir) were named after the Nordic gods Frey, Hagal and Tyr.


Odin is the chief god in the pantheon of Norse gods. His name is derived from the term for “wind” and “spirit”. Through his suffering, his self-sacrifice, Odin brought the runes to us. According to the legend, he hung for nine nights on the Yggdrasil tree, the world ash tree, wounded by his own sword and tormented by hunger, thirst and pain. He was alone and without any help, until he was near to death, then he he saw the runes and, with a last, mighty effort reached for them and got them.Translated from.

Effective Healing of Runes


The use of Runes might not be as popular as the other but it’s proven effective. Runes have strong and powerful healing properties and are of great therapeutic value.
This is because of their ancient earth-based, grounded energies, as well as their harmonious and balancing vibration. All the runes have their own individual healing properties and lessons to teach. They are also intrinsically linked to one another.
Illness is your body’s way of warning you that you are doing something that is causing ‘dis-ease’ or disharmony to your being. Your body is trying to teach you a lesson; the runes also teach lessons – each lesson can represent an aspect of a return to health or ‘ease’, rather than ‘dis-ease’. It is vital that you learn the lessons that each illness is trying to teach you.
To use runes for assistance and healing, for a complaint or illness, ask for a healing rune to be revealed to you whilst holding your rune bag. Pick a single rune (Odin’s Rune) then meditate and interpret its meaning and message intuitively. (The use of bindrunes can be of great benefit here also.)
It is beneficial to find a quiet time and space to work with your rune of healing. Preferably, lay on your back in a comfortable position and relax. Place your healing rune on or near the site of your discomfort, ailment or illness and meditate upon the wisdom of the rune.
Intuitively draw it’s essence into your being, allowing the vibrations to penetrate. The length of time you lay with your rune is entirely up to your intuition and your lifestyle.
rune-necklaceYou can wear or carry your healing rune or bindrune with you throughout the illness to aid healing.
For example, drawing the Isa rune will help you to remove blockages in the body and get things moving.It also teaches the importance of contemplation.
Another example would be to draw Laguz. This rune will empower you to release emotional issues and to find balance and harmony within. It also teaches the importance of eating a balanced diet rich in natural foods.
You will be amazed at how appropriate the message of the rune is to your ailment. It gives guidance on the root cause and best treatment.
Learning the lessons and wisdom of the runes will help you to heal and empower your life.

Finding Balance In Mind, Body and Spirit

How does it feel to truly live in balance?   Balance rests on four powers — love, intuition, intelligence, and physical strength. With these four powers in balance, we can live life with no limits.images

Well-Being encompasses all our parts, not just the physical body. When our emotions are in turmoil or our mind is bombarded with obsessive thoughts our health is compromised. It is important to create balance in your life by nurturing your whole person, which includes spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical needs.

There are countless examples of imbalance in our own culture. The star athlete, driving himself so hard he seems to hate his own body: he has abundant physical strength, but no self-love to nurture. The actress, undergoing excessive surgery in a fruitless chase for youth: she lacks the intuition to understand she is ultimately harming herself. Leaders, so steeped in their own power that they disrespect everyone else, lacking the intelligence to live in grace.

But with LOVE, intuition, physical power, and intelligence, all in balance, each power does its part to take care of us.


loveLove gives us spiritual strength, physical power, and good thoughts about life. If you can look at everything lovingly, the whole world becomes beautiful in your experience.,to be surrounded by a loving community: you feel like you can do anything. It’s a power we can embrace, grounding our souls and enabling us to pursue our goals.

Every action that we do is in some way to fulfill certain needs. If you see this, there is a possibility that you can grow into love as your natural quality. But people go on fooling themselves into believing that the relationships they have made for convenience, comfort and wellbeing, are actually relationships of love. I am not saying there is no experience of love at all in those relationships, but it is within certain limitations. It does not matter how much “I love you” has been said, if a few expectations and requisites are not fulfilled, things will fall apart.


It dwells in all of us: a psychic ability, or an inner instinct, that comes from our hearts.mind-body-and-spirit

Pretty much everyone has experienced a gut feeling — that unconscious reasoning that propels us to do something without telling us why or how. But the nature of intuition has long eluded us, and has inspired centuries’ worth of research and inquiry in the fields of philosophy and psychology.

Our intuition is always there, whether we’re aware of it or not

It’s that part of our higher self that’s connected to wisdom, knowledge, and an awareness of who we truly are.

In this modern world, it dwells in all of us: a psychic ability, or an inner instinct, that comes from our hearts. When we’re facing a crossroads, we need to listen to our hearts, not our minds. It’s the heart that tells us what we truly need to know.


MENTAL SphysicalTRENGTH is vital, but PHYSICAL STRENGTH and power are great benefits. When you train your body to become primed, you end up looking and feeling great.

It will allow you to do things that you wouldn’t or couldn’t normally do if you were weak and fragile.

Physical strength is different for everyone, but it’s good for all of us

It will help improve muscle and joint functions, increase bone density, elevate sinking hormone levels, and create a sense of well-being with far-reaching benefits. That flush of post-workout contentment actually boosts our immune system. Physical strength brings natural resiliency to body and soul and connects us to the physical “body” of Earth.

There are many ways to bring these powers into our lives. Here’s a simple four-step exercise:

  1. Sit down comfortably. Imagine the four powers as the four directions: north, south, east, and west. Start by visualizing the nerika — the soul’s doorway — as a circle that connects you outward, literally and emotionally, into those four directions.
  2. Travel into the circle. Visualize a deer — your higher self and guide — in the center, guiding you toward the east, and look for the image of the rising sun, bursting through clouds.
  3. Ask the deer to bring any one of the four powers into your circle of life, whether you want to start with love, intuition, intelligence, or physical strength.
  4. With each power, imagine it coming into your circle from a different direction. Imagine the deer guiding it into your own heart, and experience the feeling each brings