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The First Stage To Runic Development and the 18 Runes

runes runic circle norse pagan
The Norse Runes can be used in any type of magic – they are very powerful and versatile since they are the building blocks of creation.  These Runes can also be used in healing.   The word Rune means secret or whisper,  they were given by Odin’s mysterious powers, as he hung for nine days on the World Tree.

Learning the postures is the first stage to Runic development.   If you are familiar with the kinesiology muscle tests, particularly the common tests for the 14 meridians, you will notice that these postures match the positions used as they do happen to tie in with the runes. Going through these muscle tests will provide a way to diagnose the health of each organ or meridian, and also the integrity of each runic energy within the patient.  Understanding these will help us identify the deeper causes of their problems.  The runes can then be applied to bring complete healing on all levels.  Not all runes are linked to meridians, but we will indicate which meridian where appropriate.

FA – the first rune,  represents connection to God. The song suggests that it is used to call help. It is the foundation of all rune magick and healing, as we need this connection to God for our prayers to be answered, and to bring divine intervention to solve our problems. Distress is released when we can trust in this kind of help. Practicing this Rune builds this connection. This can be related to other systems we have for building the connection to God, such as reiki 4, sacred sun “supreme unity” attunement, the God attunement, and marifatullah.

Rune alphabetUR – the second Rune  is the divine energy stepped down a level, to become life. It is prana, chi, or any other name for the life force. This rune is not linked to one meridian, but rather strengthens all meridians. It boosts the life force, and is therefore a valuable first step before balancing of meridians. Sometimes, a person’s life force can be so low that acupuncture or other balancing techniques are of little help. This initial boost makes complete recovery possible.

Thorn – the third Rune is related to the heart. The poem suggests that the problem comes from the hostility of enemies. The rune dulls these attacks, so they have no negative effect. The heart is linked to ones self-esteem and motivation. Constant undermining tears these down. The stronger ones heart, the more immunity one has to these undermining influences. Initially a baby gets this strength by being held by its parents. While being held, the baby’s heart is entrained by the parents heart beat. Those who were not held enough, or whose parents had weak hearts, lack strength here, and tend to addictive behaviour. They are more prone to taking on shame from others, and are easily brought into a downward spiral; the more the heart is weakened, the more they are affected by the hostility of others. Thorn can give them the strength of heart they need to throw off all the shame and build self-esteem and positive motivation.

The Lord of the Runes
The Lord of the Runes

Os – the fourth Rune represents the wind-swept cloak of Odin, signifying numinous wisdom, and the Odic energy that frees us from bondage to matter. The song suggests its freeing power. It can be used to free one from rigid beliefs, laws and other blockages, and awaken magickal power. It is most useful for those who have been controlled. This rune has a secondary version, Othello, which relates to the circulation-sex meridian, and to sexual energy. The sex instinct is very much related to ones freedom and individuality. This is why teenagers become rebellious at puberty. Those whose rebellious nature was crushed, or who missed out on adolescence because they had to be responsible too early, tend to be weak here.

Raidho – the fifth Rune, Raidho relates to the kidney. The arrow in hostile flight mentioned in the poem is a metaphor for negative thoughts and programs. If one’s discriminating capability is low, or their consciousness not fully present, negative programs get in and can spread through the psyche uncontrolled. The kidney is a filter, which filters off toxins and allows water and nutrients to be absorbed. It is linked to ones discrimination, and is weakened by fear. In fear, one tends to either block out helpful influences through mistrust, or let in harmful influences out of desperation. The Raidho Rune can clear out the negative programs, end fear and restore discrimination.

Ken the rune of fireKen – the sixth Rune is related to the stomach, and secondarily to the liver. It is Rune of fire, which relates to the digestive fire, and also a rune of karma. As the poem suggests, it can protect one from enemies. The stomach tends to store feelings of overwhelm. This can come from adolescence, when the awakening of new feelings and instincts, plus the extra pressure put on us at school to prepare for exams, can be too much. This is actually a good training for overwhelming influences later, if our fire grows strong enough to embrace the challenge. Usually, this fire does not get fed, since we no longer have the rites of passage to see us through important changes. The roots of soft wood in the poem suggest that the damage does not come through obvious enemies, but in more subtle ways. Pressures of work, taxes, various corrupt authorities trying to con us out of money, banks threatening to foreclose, are all attacks on our security that can overwhelm us. The Ken Rune gives us strength and protection against these hostilities. The liver is weakened when we lose and don’t have the faith to start again. Again, the Ken Rune can restore the fire.

Hagal – the seventh rune relates to the spleen. The spleen stores hopelessness, apathy, and memories of giving up. It is closely involved with the overwhelm patterns of the stomach. One major difference is that the spleen is an energetic transformer that can unleash vast amounts of psychic energy. This is an important factor in overcoming the overwhelming problems. Under duress, these psychic energies can make a huge difference to the outcome. Because belief in metaphysical powers has been undermined, people often collapse into apathy without calling upon their hidden power. Those with no belief tend to have weak spleens. As the poem says, “no matter how it burns, I still save them all, the magick I know to perform.” Use this Rune when magickal power is needed to solve overwhelming problems, and to restore hope.

Nod – the eighth Rune represents the need-fire. It is the Rune of need, karma and the divine manifesting itself within the finite Universe. It contains the power to fulfil our needs. This ability is blocked by guilt, hate and concepts of bad karma. This Rune can be used to release these blocks so that we can allow our needs to be provided for. By dissolving hate, it can also be used to settle conflicts between people.

Is – the ninth rune is the rune of self-consciousness. It strengthens the personality (ship) by calming emotionally charged thoughts ( the wind on the billowing floods). It relates to the lung meridian. The lungs are influenced by our expression of self. They are weakened when our voices are not heard, and our expression is suppressed, or becomes unbalanced. When we are not heard, we either stop communicating, or become very loud and forceful, in which case the lungs are over stimulated, which can also lead to disease. Strengthening the true sense of self can correct these imbalances.

Ar – the tenth Rune is related to the large intestine. It represents the solar child returning from the darkness. It is a Rune of reframing, that brings change from within. It can release subconscious patterns by going back to their point of origin. The large intestine relates to solid, core personality issues that form very early in life. During these early years, when the child’s aura is not yet formed, if not kept within the parents aura, it is vulnerable to astral entities. Ancestral spirits that have not moved on commonly attach themselves to the child at this stage, so ancestral patterns are passed on. As the poem suggests, this Rune can turn those spirits away, which is an essential part of the healing of the large intestine.

Sig – the eleventh Rune is the rune of the Sun, and of victory, success and good luck. Use it to reverse bad luck, and to generally make life easier. This is also important for nervous problems, as people become stressed by constant troubles, and fall into negative expectation, constantly tense from expecting danger. It can have a healing effect on the central meridian and gallbladder meridian.

Tyr – the twelfth Rune is the Rune of resurrection, particularly for the warrior. It relates to the triple warmer meridian, and secondarily to the central meridian. The warrior in us can be crushed by authorities, giving us no resource to maintain our own will and integrity. When this happens we lose power, our boundaries are weakened, we become cold. Tyr can resurrect our warrior and take back our power, restoring our voices.

Berk – the thirteenth Rune is the Rune of the Mother, birth and spiritual rebirth. It relates to the small intestine meridian. It is dualistic in that on one hand it keeps one under the Mothers protection and provides safety, but on the other hand being tied to the Mother stops one from growing up. It fits with the time a person must venture out from the safety of the Mother and find themselves. It provides a good foundation of self-worth and discrimination, without which one becomes prey to all kinds of tricksters, loses confidence, becomes humiliated, and develops shame. These weaknesses tend to get stored in the small intestine, closely related to the tan tieng point below the navel, which is a measure of ones inner strength, and how centred one is. These weaknesses can be healed by the Rune, which will take one back to safety where they can learn anew.

Laug – the fourteenth Rune relates to the gallbladder meridian. It is the rune of water, the etheric body and the original laws of life. The poem suggests that it brings knowledge of the divine. This is the foundation for trust. The gallbladder meridian relates to trust issues. Without this trust, we have constant anxiety about what problems life may bring. Laug will build this trust, based on inner knowing of the divine, so even if it is not consciously recognized in any religious sense, we can go through life free from worry.

Man – the fifteenth rune is the rune of man as a resurrected god. It develops man’s spiritual powers, strengthens the aura, and gives protection. It should be used whenever one is not satisfied with one’s spiritual development and is becoming frustrated. This spiritual frustration can be another cause of health problems, and can affect the spleen, thyroid, pituitary and pineal.

Yr – the sixteenth rune represents our desire for completion and perfection, the roots of the World tree, and God descending into the World of matter. It overcomes illusions about the World, which can be a painful process, and provides protection while we wake up. It can help us to know our true position as creators in the World, and is used to strengthen our faith. This also builds protection against all kinds of manipulation and psychic influences and strengthens the aura.

Eh – the seventeenth Rune is the rune of cosmic union. It transcends the 16 younger Runes. It can be used to find this great union within, or to find a soul mate.

Gibor – the eighteenth Rune is a further state of cosmic union. It represents the union of God with the World, Creator with creation. It leads to cosmic consciousness, and the ultimate vision of God, known as the divine gnosis. It also represents a gift. Exchanging gifts is a preparation for union, and an important step in the magick of co-creation.

As you slowly move through the body postures for each Rune – the movements of which are similar to Tai Chi – you feel the powers develop and notice them flowing through your body. Meditate on each rune and sing the corresponding verse in the Rune Song and it  will help you develop deep insight into its nature, how to resolve spiritual, mental and emotional issues how to resolve spiritual, mental and emotional issues  and how it interacts with the human being.  The descriptions above are a good start.  They will also allow you to heal many problems.  You must know that deeper knowledge comes with experience.  going through all 18 Runes is a whole form to be practiced, you can soon starts incorporating meditation on one Rune at a time by practicing its posture.  Keep practicing the postures and you will start experiencing the energies that come with them and use them to heal and even perform magic.

Kano, The Rune Of Fire

kano 2 Kano is the symbol rune of flame, enlightenment, the inward light, energy, knowledge, and internal knowing, among different qualities. As of recently I got this rune when I required an understanding into a unique task. I wasn’t certain I needed to get included. When I picked the rune, I understood it was the ideal beginning stage to inspect the matter.

I’d been trying to make the decision based on facts alone. While facts are invaluable and reason is a great ally, we cannot get all the information we need from facts and reason alone. We have to turn our attention to our feelings, too. Not merely our emotions, as emotions alone can mislead up, but our feelings. Here, I am making a distinction between emotions and feelings. For the purpose of clear communication, let’s say that emotions are reactions while feelings come from the knowing part of ourselves. Emotions can spring from groundless fears, old hurts, immaturity, past misinformation, and un-examined negative beliefs from conditioning.

As I turned my inner vision on the feelings of “off balance,” “not quite right,” and “flatness,” as if I were losing energy (going flat like a punctured tire), I made the discovery I was looking for. My motivation was not to get involved in the project because I was attracted to it, but rather to please this other person I held in high esteem. Ah, ha!

Later, I dreamed that I was involved in this project and I was doing all sorts of things that were taking my energy but didn’t leave me fulfilled. Instead, I felt scattered and purposeless. It had sounded like a good deal, but as I sensed the energy at deeper and deeper levels, I could see I would be wise to turn it down.

kano 1 featuredKano is the rune of illuminating whatever we focus upon with the light of our soul and intelligence. When we are clear, we can see clearly. When our vision is clouded with memories, grudges, regret, unfulfilled desires, assumptions, shame, and longing, it is more difficult for us to see what is in front of us.

Kano comes to mind when I practice remote viewing or want to play with my third eye. It keeps me from squinting. Imagining Kano in the third eye enhances objectivity. Imagining Kano in the heart clarifies our subtle sensing of energy. Seeing with the Eye of the Heart also enhances compassion.

Not only is Kano the rune of perception, both inner and outer, it is also the rune of creativity and being inventive, doing research and pursuing special interests. It’s the rune of philosophy, science, and art. A very handy rune to pull out of one’s invisible pocket and provide a focus for seeing.

How Runes Can Help You Heal

The Healing Runes

healing runes 3I frequently utilize the antiquated Sacred Oracle of the Nordic Runes to pick up experiences and awareness. I made an arrangement of runes by utilizing a felt tip pen to draw the images onto little stones. Some individuals cut their own particular set on little cuts of a slim tree limb taken from their greenery enclosure. Making your own arrangement of runes is a valuable thoughtful practice all by itself.

Each rune can be linked to a letter but also to higher guidance. The original runes were said to have been channeled by Odin.

ODIN is the greatest of the Gods. He is the lord of hosts and the god of inspiration.

Odin’s thirst for knowledge drives his actions in many of the myths. He became all-wise by drinking from Mímir’s fountain, at the cost of one of his eyes. Having lost this physical eye he compensated for the loss by developing his Pineal gland – the third eye.  He impaled himself with his spear on Yggdrasil, the tree of life, for nine days to learn the secrets of the Universe.  it was during this period he was given the runes as a means of assisting humanity evolve. He is seen as the father of many gods and creator of the first man and woman. He is recognized by his floppy hat and long cloak.

The common man looked upon Odin with respect, rather than love; only the highly evolved chose to embrace him.

The stylised letter R in the runes is called Raido and is shown amongst the images below (far right column, penultimate row).  Maybe its just a co-incidence because my name begins with this letter but I like this rune in the context of the meaning of the healing runes because this is the one that reminds us how important the activity of SURRENDER is on our earth journey where our role is to spiritualise matter.

We have to let go of, or surrender, the ‘old’ we are holding on to so we are free to grasp the ‘new’.

Out of body experience confirms need to surrender

healing runes 1A couple of weeks ago I experienced an Ayahausca journey. Something I have wanted to do for many years.  The main lesson that came as a result of my conscious out of body experience, was the importance of surrender as a means to evolve. (For the record please understand that I will never recommend this type of experience to others – trust your heart to inform you of how best to assist your own journey). Ayahausca is called the Soul Vine and the herb’s effect is to activate neural pathways, open the pineal gland and allow you to see your own shadow side’s issues more clearly.  In so doing receive information to guide you to understand the most important ‘next lesson’ on your healing journey.

Surrender is more than just letting go of the need to control.   It is through surrender that we come to recognise a force greater than ourselves, a limitless power that is available to us, a Power that heals.  Surrender is the highest form of conscious contact with the Divine.

Almost all of the world’s great religions and spiritual paths practice some form of Surrender: it can be seen as an invitation to turn your will and your life over to your Divine Self, your I Am Presence.

Not so long ago, Surrender meant defeat and brought with it shame and dishonour.  On the healing journey, Surrender means relinquishing egoic control, for in so doing we acknowledge our readiness to heal.

So what would happen if you let go of any egoic need to control any aspect of your life? What feelings arise at the prospect?

For some, surrendering to the feelings of ‘fear of not being in control’ or ‘fear of being abandoned’ or ‘fear of not being good enough’ – in other words by facing your fears and moving through them hand in hand with the Divine – is enough to create enormous shifts.

If you are facing a critical illness, a life crisis, or if you feel the moment has finally come to stop fighting yourself, then be grateful, and practice Surrender.  And if you do nothing else, LET GO AND LET GOD.  For many of us, this oft-repeated phrase has already provided safe passage to the new way of life as fully conscious beings.  If you are coming across this concept for the first time, let it mark a new beginning for your healing and evolution.

The true power of Surrender always changes our lives.

Since you are being drawn to read this then you may wish to pray and affirm:

I surrender my personal will to the Greater Will, the Will of the Divine.

Contrary to what your ego mind may think, if you can do this your personal empowerment will be enormously enhanced. You will be assured of attaining Ascension.

Wonder, reverence, feeling in harmony, surrender

healing runes 2These words (abbreviated) were spoken by Rudolph Steiner in Lecture V of his “The World of the Senses and the World of the Spirit”.  He was describing how through developing these four qualities “in the very highest degree” can one re-establish the original relationship between the higher spiritual nature and the emotional feeling body (he termed this the astral body).

Steiner maintained that without surrender nothing new can be achieved. Simple as that.

Express who you really are, deep within: a beautiful, radiant, confident, serene, and abundant being

If you wish to practice a meditation that will assist you to ‘surrender’ to your Authentic self, the real you, instead of the ‘not-self’ you that attempts to control instead of trust, that prevents you going with the flow, that prevents you following the route home designed by your Soul and I Am Presence, then please download free the following beautiful meditation by ‘Orin’ a Highly evolved spirit being and teacher channelled by Sanaya Roman.

Runes History

runes 1Have you ever utilized runes for divination? Did you ever ponder where these supernatural engravings originated from and how they wound up on minimal level stones utilized for fortune telling? Give us a chance to begin from the earliest starting point…
Runes are essentially letters in the runic alphabets and were used in Germanic languages from around 150 AD (mainly before the Latin alphabet was introduced). The Nordic countries have a long history and many surviving remnants of rune inscriptions, one being “The Rök Runestone” from my region in Sweden. I remember going for a day trip with school to see this stone, which contains the longest pre-Christian runic inscription that has been found, and is believed to be a piece of lost Norse Mythology.
There are many opinions on what runes were and how they were used, however, they are thought to have been used for communication originally and later also for magical purposes (such as victory inscriptions on swords). Before there was a runic alphabet there were of course stone carvings with various symbols that depicted the sun, fertility, hunting and so forth. Seeing that people back in those days were very much in tune with Mother Earth and their beliefs in various Nordic Gods, one would think that it was not long before the runes were incorporated in rituals of magic and prayer. Life back in the old north was filled with superstition, magical rituals and a strong fear of the Gods’ anger.
runes 2

How did the runes end up on small stones used for scrying? Well, this is surprisingly a very young tradition. It was in fact originated by Ralph Blum in the 1980’s through his book “The Book of Runes: A Handbook for the Use of an Ancient Oracle”  and was derived from the I Ching (!).  To be honest, I was quite disappointed when I found out that scrying with runes is a modern development and not an ancient technique like the Tarot System. Perhaps it is just because runes are part of the very long history of my own country, but I never really considered that it could be a “new invention”.

Ralph Blum’s book was followed by many others on the subject and today divination with runes is commonplace. One can buy rune stone sets made out of crystals like amethyst, actual stones, wood or plastic.  You could even make your own ones with a few flat pebbles and a marker (I did that as a teenager after reading about the symbols in a girls magazine!). Although there is no clear evidence that runes were in fact used in magical rituals and although I rarely use divination as such, I still enjoy these little magical symbols. There is a lot of history in the carvings themselves and in the myhtology they tell. Runes are a part of the history of my native Sweden that I hold close to my Nordic heart.

Know More About the Runes Oracle

I have always believed that Runes are the absolute best prophet for a beginner—yet they are the one I utilize frequently by and by and professionally.

Runes are incredible for novices for a few reasons. In the first place, not at all like the Tarot, there are just 25 runes, and 9 of them have no switched understanding, so you can take in the vital implications before long.

runes 3If you’ve just begun your spiritual journey, you can boost the process while pulling one Rune a day. First thing in the morning, read the interpretation and then leave the Rune out and book open to look over it again before you go to bed. That’s how I learned the Runes, and I was amazed almost daily by the insights these simple tiles provide. By then, I had been using astrology and Tarot for years, and found it hard to believe that such a “simple” tool could be so profound.

Another plus for beginners is that Runes work well for quick readings. I use them a lot for yes/no questions. You just shake up your Rune bag and pull out one Rune. If it’s right side up, the answer is yes, upside down is no, and if you get a Rune with no reversed position, you know that the outcome is either undecided or entirely your choice. Most of the time, the Rune itself will give you some juicy insights as well.

runes 2In The Book of Runes, creator Ralph Blum suggests this yes/no technique, along with two 3-card layouts: a past-present-future layout and a ‘challenge and outcome’ layout. More complex readings include a cross and a fascinating ‘three lifetime spreads’. He recommends that you read Runes as they were originally read by the Vikings, from right to left. He also gives an excellent description of important ‘how-to’ basics of reading and care that apply to any oracle — and are especially helpful for beginners.

More than any other oracle I’ve used (and oracles have been my hobby for more than 30 years!), the simplicity of the symbols and the depth and wisdom of Blum’s brief, intense interpretations are very direct. They take you into the core of things, the core of yourself, the essence of your spiritual journey, the energetic reality surrounding a question, and the kernel of truth in a situation.

Although Runes are derived from an ancient alphabet, Blum, when he published The Book of Runes in 1982, called them a “reintroduction.” The Runes were used as oracles by the Vikings, but they were last actively used in Iceland during the Middle Ages, and their original interpretations have been lost for more than 300 years.

Since Blum’s reintroduction, there have been a number of Rune versions published, including healing Runes, Christian Runes and 12-Step Runes, but Blum’s has remained the most popular. Blum, who was part of the intellectual community that grew up around groundbreaking anthropologist Margaret Mead, talks in The Book of Runes about how the Runes came to him, and how they revealed their meanings to him during one long night of writing.

runes 1For advanced practitioners, one of the big attractions of Runes besides their Viking ancestry is that you can make your own. You can also, buy any of a rainbow of stones with the Rune symbols carved onto them. Although I use the plain tiles that come with The Book of Runes for readings, I also have Runes of petrified wood, bloodstone, and tiger’s eye, and you can get them carved on amethyst, clear quartz crystals, animal bones, metal, and more.

The biggest attraction for me, though, is that when I use Rune tiles or stones, I touch the Earth. It bypasses my intellect and adds a depth, focused wisdom, and an element of energy to my readings that I get with no other oracle.

The Past Danger of Rune Healing

danger runes 1The Age of Aquarius has given us another worldview to work with. This paradigm is the Laws of Quantum Physics. Essentially expressed, these laws let us know that all is vitality. The past, present and future exist in a vast sea of intuition vitality called the Quantum Ocean in the Mind of God.

Therefore every rune healing, rune magical ritual and runic Shaman still exists in the Quantum Ocean. The danger to you, the 21stcentury rune master or rune novice, is that when performing a runic healing or a runic ritual there is a lot of baggage attached to it.

Therefore since we are in a new age and have a new paradigm it behooves us to use it. Bring the runes out of the Viking Age where the dangers be and into the sunlight of a new age free of baggage.

Simply stated when you do your runic healing and your runic magic don’t mentally go back to the past where the dangers lie. Bring the runes into the now and create runic healing’s and runic magic anew.

Let me show some of the rune healing dangers waiting for you in the past.

“And all along their way she taught him the runes, upon her white hand.” Freya teaching Odin.

Runes have been used for war, for love, for prosperity and for healing etc.

Egil Skalogimissn used the runes as a form of black magic. He lusted after a young girl and promised to heal her by carving the runes on a whale bone. What he really wanted to do was to seduce her. She became seriously ill.

danger runes 3

Egil Saga Poem:

“Those who carve without knowledge should not write the runes. Great misfortune will follow when the secrets are misused.

I have see ten letters carved

out of a bent bone

They brought on the pain

that tortured the girl.”

Whenever you carve runes for someone they must know about It and agree with it.

In the Saga of Bosi and Hernand is a striking example of runes used for black magic.

“ I wish you paindanger runes 2

in your breast

That venomous vipers

gnaw your heart,

that your ears

are deafened forever,

and your eyes

point forever outward.”

Runes were also used to “heal” or control the weather, but at a price.

“The King Vikar Saga” The King’s dragon ship came against extraordinary high winds and they stayed near small islands for a long time. Then they threw “rune sticks” into the ocean in order to diminish the winds. The result was that Odin demanded that a man from the company be chosen by a draw and be hung as a sacrifice.”

Runes serve as a mediation between humans and gods. What is the price?

So learn how to use the runes using the new paradigm of the Laws of Quantum Physics and by pass the dangers of the past.


The History of Runes

runes history 2The history of runes can be traced as far back as 200 BC. There are many different theories about its origins that scholars have discovered but no one really knows how and who made them first. The countless uses of the symbols probably evolved over time from severely practical pieces of communication to symbols that we’re used for divination.      Each rune is not only a single letter that can be used to form words, but is also a complete word in itself, with many different meanings. The “rune-masters” of ancient times understood how to use runic grammar for contracts as well as the hidden or secret meanings. For this reason they we’re both respected and feared. Because the word rune means secret or whisper it was clear to the ancient consciousness that there are great mysteries contained within the runes.

The Elder Futhark is the most popular of the rune alphabets used today. In this set there are 25 runes all with symbols carved into them except one which is blank, the blank one relates to the unknown. The meanings of the runes are connected with fertility, weather, sunlight, darkness the cycles of the seasons and reflect the relationships of the ancient tribes with their environment.

Learning to read the runes takes much time and study. Studying the runes can be difficult because rune working died out in the seventeenth century. This has left only fragmentary literary sources to tell us what the runes mean. None of the literature tells us what the symbols on the runes represent. Modern rune lore is therefore based not only on study and tradition, but also on psychic intuition and opinions.

runes history 1

Reading the runes is a mystical art of discovering hidden things, psychic foreseeing future events or discovering the likely outcome of current situations. There are no records of how ancient rune masters used them for divination, so methods used in other systems such as the tarot have been adapted. Usually runes are pulled out of a pouch and placed into a set position and interpreted. The different formats for which runes are laid are known as runes casts or spreads. When asking a question using a rune cast it is best to keep it simple and direct.

The symbols of the runes are attractive and believed by some to be quite powerful. This is why you can purchase jewelry with carved rune symbols on them, pendants are very common.  A specific symbol can also be chosen for the astrological correspondence.

7 Tips to Clean Your Aura

auraCleaning your aura is essential for spiritual hygiene. By cleaning your aura on a daily basis, you protect yourself against psychic attacks and illnesses. A clean aura is charismatic and will encourage better relations with others. People will naturally be more considerate and grant favors to one whose aura is clean and radiating with energy. Here is where we influence people and get them to do as we wish. Negative thoughtforms used in black magick and generated from the ill will, jealousy and/or anger of others attach to one’s aura and invite misfortune such as accidents, illnesses and so forth. Cleaning one’s aura [as long as there are no serious problems] only takes a few minutes a day and is well worth it. When one is ill, and/or depressed, the aura is dirty and can take many meditations to clean. What is within reflects in one’s aura. When there is illness, whether it has already manifested itself, or is pending, the aura will take on a dirty grayish color. Here are a few simple ways to do it.

Here’s How:

  1. Comb Your Aura – Wash and dry your hands throughly. Using your fingers as a comb, comb through the space surrounding your body starting at your head continuing downward to the toes. Afterwards, clean your hands with running water allowing all-picked up energies to be washed away.
  2. 158767626Take a Shower – Stand under an outdoor waterfall or indoor shower. Allow the water to flow generously over every inch of your body: head, face, arms, torso, legs, and feet. As you watch the water disappear down the drain or disperse away from your feet breathe freely and imagine all your troubles and stress flowing away from your mind along with the water.
  3. Rainwater Cleansing – Walking in the rainfall. There might not be anything more satisfying than walking outdoors when it is raining. Look up to the skies as you breathe in the humid air as raindrops fall onto your face. Refreshing… cleansing!
  4. Wind and Play – Free your mind and shake out any grungies that are clinging to your auric field by running freely and playfully in the wind. Go ahead, stretch your arms outwards and give your body a spin on the grassy lawn or meadow. Not too fast, you don’t want to fall down.
  5. Whisk Aura with Feathers – Using a single feather or feather whisk make sweeping motions through the space surrounding your body. Begin at your feet and work upwards…. much like a bird would fly from the ground to the top of a tree. Ask a friend to assist by sweeping your backside or any areas around your physical being that you cannot reach easily.
  6. unsur-alamSmudge Your Aura – Smudge the area surrounding your body with the smoke from sage, lavender, sweetgrass, or other smudging herbs. You can also gently breathe in some of the smudged air (not recommended for the asthmatic individual).
  7. Saltwater Soak – Treat your auric field and physical body by soaking in a steaming tub of water with epsom salt or a sea salt bath treatment. Choose from a variety of unscented or scented bath salt products. Eucalyptus is wonderful for cleansing the sinuses or discharging fluish ickies. A lavender sea salt bath cleanses and calms body and spirit. Unscented is best for scent-sensitives.


  1. Turkey or owl feathers are especially good feathers to use for sweeping the aura.
  2. Take care to do some deep breathing exercises while cleansing your aura to aid in flushing your inner body.
  3. Caution: Do not walk in the rain during an electrical storm.

Crystals for Healing and Raising Your Vibration

images (3)Because of quartz and other crystals’ unique structural properties, many people believe that when a current or energy is run through a crystal, it resonates at a certain frequency helpful to the body or to a particular emotional or physical condition. It is also believed that crystals can retain energies or ‘programs’ to help a person with their healing.

The main goal of a spiritual journey is to transform our energy so that we are vibrating at a higher frequency. It’s in states of high vibrational energy that love, compassion, and abundance reside. When we vibrate high levels, we have access to those energies and we can live in a state of bliss.

We learn to raise our vibrations through the practice of meditation, crystal healing and yoga. But holding on to those high vibrations can be difficult when we return to work, interact with low energy people and become bombarded by the violence and news and media. Using large crystals in the home maintains high vibrational energy of your space and body.

Large crystals are the high vibration crystals because they hold the presence and energy of the earth. Earth energy reminds us to connect with the divine that created everything with the intention of love, compassion and abundance. Keeping high vibration crystals in each room will help foster a deeper spiritual life. Simply seeing a beautiful piece of the earth everyday, as opposed to a manufactured decorative item, will begin to transform your mindset.

In our opinion, the best large crystals for the home are amethyst, selenite, elestial quartz and celestite. These are the crystals we keep in our showroom, and our homes, and when people walk in, they always comment about the shift in energy. Using crystals in the home can vary from crystal to crystal and room to room.

images (2)Large Amethyst Crystals: Amethyst should be displayed in a room where your family and friends tend to gather, whether it’s in the living room, kitchen or some other unique space.It constantly pulls the negative energy from a room and emits positive energy back into it. The larger the crystal is, the better its ability to rid the space of negative energy and fill it with positive energy will be.


Large Selenite Crystals: Selenite is the ultimate protection crystal.

Placing crystals in the home for protection requires that you put them by the doorways to prevent negative energy from coming in.You can also place selenite by your seating so you can place your feet on it when you need to reground and relax.

Limages (4)arge Celestite Crystals

Celestite’s light blue color instantly brings tranquility and peacefulness.It’s an ideal crystal to keep in the bedroom to promote restful sleep.You can put it in any space where you’d like to feel gentle, uplifting energy and rid the space of stress, anxiety or depression.

elestial-self-healed-2Large Smoky Elestial Quartz Crystals:  A smoky elestial quartz is an extremely spiritual stone that will connect you with the divine, while also teaching you how to use what you learn from your spiritual journey and integrate it into the modern world. You can keep an elestial in your sacred space to foster the relationship between you and the divine during meditation. You can also keep it in an area of your home where you spend a lot of time and want to continue to foster your relationship with the divine.

Any large crystal you use will have an impact on your space. The important thing to keep in mind, is picking one that you resonate with, as that will help to transform your energy the best.

Healing Through the Runes

images (12)Rune Healing is very powerful and is considered to be an advanced, ancient method of emotional re-balancing. The runes are core geometrical patterns that are found within nature, as well as the human body. They have a direct correspondence to all models of the Tree of Life, allowing the individual to change the negative patterns and cycles that inhibit their true nature. Here we discuss how they are used in healing.

One of the great advantages of symbolisms over incoherent arrays is that symbolisms can be applied to specific parts of the universe.

Only intense practice with Runes can bring about a clear understanding of the mechanics of healing with Rune energies. However, what we describe in the following will give some ideas of what healing with Runes is about. Some experience with Rune exercises will be helpful.

Runes constitute a symbolic description of energies of the levels of creation. The symbolism furnishes you with a spectrum of energies coming from the levels of creation. There are some analogies with the spectrum of natural colors, but runes and colors are different things.

When you practice Rune Magic or Rune Healing, then you work with energies from the levels of creation. Runes allow you to act creatively upon your universe. To know the characteristics of the Rune “spectrum” is a condition for your participating in creation. When healing with Runes, you project energy upon the person to be healed. To this energy you attach the specific Rune vibration from the levels of creation.

Unlike projection of Light or of White Light, Runes allow the use of the specific “colors” of their spectrum. In any particular case, there may be a certain color that has beneficial effects and another color that blocks those beneficial effects.

196ac28460548dadd0ff2889b5e67a04The person who projects Light alone without consideration of the spectrum would be like one who prescribes every drug on the market assuming that one of them will do the trick. There may well a few of those drugs that counteract the beneficial effects of certain others.

Projection of Runes for healing purposes may yield spectacular results. Yet we caution not to abandon fully any other treatment in favor of Rune Healing, or any other psychic or spiritual healing, See the note on a previous page concerning this matter.

Only a Rune master skilled in hermetic knowledge is capable of selecting specific Runes for given conditions. To such a Rune master, Runes are also helpful in finding the actual root causes of a specific complaint, or undesirable body condition, such as too much body fat.

The fact that Runes are not limited by our self-imposed limitations of space-time allows the skilled Rune Magician to establish beneficial mechanisms of healing that come from beyond our space-time continuum, and that can extend their influence into the future. Thus Runes can be one of the best means for the prevention of ailments as well as for the improvement of the overall condition for extensive periods of time.

Projection of Rune energies can be produced in many ways. One of the most used methods is with the hands. Others involve charging the food, water, or even the air of the person being treated. Special diets, combined with Rune projection, will greatly enhance the effectiveness of the treatment, Another important addition to the treatment is practice of Rune Yoga. This is a discipline, which helps attract beneficial Rune energies by establishing specific shape vibrations that are in tune with vibrations of the energies that come from the Realms of Creation.

An important adjunct to Rune methods of healing is the observation of specific cycles and Rune trends. For millennia, astrologers have searched for an esoteric astrology, but they have based their research on the materialistic symbolism of astrology. From this they indeed gained deep insights but not much else. The traditional astrologer tries to “rule the stars” or his destine, by wisely adjusting to the existing trends. The person who uses the Rune symbolism for his astrology finds the appropriate tools to MAKE TRENDS. This has a much more profound impact upon destiny, and is for our purposes a much more thorough approach for overcoming ailments, and for improving the overall condition of the body, soul, and mind. There are also valuable spiritual benefits in this kind of approach,


hqdefaultFA – ailments of the head. Feverish diseases. Burns off fat. Ailments of skin and bones. Purification.

THORN – Aura of health

OS (as its variation OTHIL) – Chest, back, neck (with UR).

RIT – Charka of the throat.

KA – Digestive organs (with IS), feverish ailments,

HAGAL – Kidneys and bladder, loins,

UR — Healing Rune in general. Finds roots of ailments. Neck. Liver. Nervous system (in combination with IS). Chest and lungs. Students under the instruction of a Rune Master will use UR in combination with OTHIL, a variation of OS.


IS – Neck, liver and nerves (with UR); digestive tract (with KA) accidents and injuries (with MAN) blood, gout, arthritis, arteriosclerosis

NOD – Infectious diseases and skin problems, (with LAF).

AR – Strengthens life force. Counteracts hallucinations and possession.

mqdefaultSIG — Nerves and tendons (with MAN)

TYR – Blood« gout- arthritis, and arteriosclerosis (with IS).

BAR – Female sex organs, birth.

LAF — Infectious diseases and skin problems (with NOD).

MAN – Accidents and injuries (with IS)? Nerves and tendons (with SIG).

YR – Lower abdomen, sexual organs.

EH – Balance glands, lymphatic system counters depression.

GIBOR – Procreation, transmutation.

The preceding correlations may be understood in many ways, depending on the level at which the Rune Magician is operating.

Apart from the healing effects, Runes, and especially the shape vibrations of Rune Yoga, have strong effects on the spiritual centers (chakras) in the body. Projection of specific Runes upon these centers will awaken them and purify them. The knowledge of which Runes work with what chakras is not public knowledge, for the danger of misuse is too great. Students of a Rune master usually meet with these matters in dealing with the Rune IS.