Many people seek mediums to reconnect and communicate directly with the spirits of their loved ones who have passed. But connecting with those in the spiritual realm isn’t limited just to professional mediums.
Anyone can learn how to reunite and communicate with loved ones who have passed without any third-party assistance. You can reconnect with your parent, spouse, sibling, child, or even your pet at any time.
Since it’s a learned skill, it’s possible for you to do, as long as you have the necessary information, knowledge, and tools available to you. Everybody can do it. Some are lucky enough to do it professionally. Others have a specific calling to it. But with guidance, the proper tools, and lots of practice, it’s something that everybody can learn to do on some level.
Communication with the spiritual realm can occur at any time, so it doesn’t matter how long ago or how recently the person or pet with whom you want to connect passed away. In fact, you may have already received some signs.
Identifying how spirits communicate with you can give you a better idea of how your loved ones’ messages will come through to you.
Here are seven steps to reconnect with the spirit of your loved one:
- Open up to the possibility.
The first step to make a connection is to overcome your limiting beliefs and open all five of your senses to allow communication with the spiritual realm.
- Learn the various ways spirits communicate.
There’s a wide array of methods your loved one can use to contact you. Discerning which sign your loved one is using will take some work. Start your connection process by identifying which communication method your beloved will likely use. This will help know what to watch for when communication begins.
Spirits most commonly communicate with us in the physical realm through words and messages, acts of service, gifts, and quality time. Chances are that when your beloved person or pet was alive, they preferred one of these methods of communicating their love to you over the rest. This also is likely the method they’ll choose to connect with you now in spirit after their death.
- Know when a visit may occur.
Spirits will most commonly visit you when you’re alone, when you’re asleep and dreaming, before or during a memorable event, or during or after a stressful moment. Paying special attention to any signs you sense during such times makes it far more likely you’ll become aware of their presence and make a connection.
After you know when their spirit is likely to be present and the signs they’ll use to make their presence known, the next step is to breathe deeply, ground yourself, and ask if they have a message for you.
- Sense their presence.
Next time you see signs that your loved one’s spirit is present, or images of them appear unbidden in your mind’s eye, pause a moment and focus on what you’re feeling. Are you happy? Do you feel loved? Are you sad?
Sensing the energy presence of your loved one is a signal that you should ask if they have a message to share with you. People often sense the presence of their loved ones without realizing it. Observations like “Dad would’ve loved this party” are significant signs that they’re present in spirit.
Once you’re familiar with the signs to watch for and when spirits usually communicate, you’ve well on your way to linking up with the spirit of your loved one.
- Identify specific signs from your loved one.
Each spirit has a sign they use as a greeting. This serves to get your attention and inform you that they’re present to communicate with. The most common greeting signs are bodily sensations, flashes of light, misplacing items, finding items, and specific images or memories appearing in your mind’s eye.
To identify an occurrence as a sign from your loved one, you must know exactly what you’re looking for. To do this, understand the most likely communication methods available to your loved one. Then, ask your loved one for a specific sign to prove to you that they’re connecting with you.
- Accept the communication.
If you’re in a relaxed frame of mind when you sense their presence or notice signs they’re around, ask if they have any messages for you.
Your loved one isn’t in the physical realm anymore, so the voice they use to communicate with you now will likely differ from the voice they had when they were alive.
If you’re comfortable, you can even attempt to have a two-way conversation with them. Communicating with the deceased can help them process their loss, too.
- Seek confirmation.
If you’re not sure a message is reliable, you can request that your loved one sends the message to you again in a different way.
Dream Visits
Grief, a distracted mind, and all of the changes that occur after a death are just a few of the challenges of getting a clear message to you while you’re awake. If conscious connections are challenging, the spirit of your loved one may find it easier to visit you in your dreams.
Even during sleep, we remain aware, open, and receptive, so we often remember entire scenes that come through, making dreams the perfect opportunity to receive complete messages. So, if you aren’t making connections while you’re awake, consider dream communication.
To open yourself up to this technique, address your loved one by saying you’d like them to visit you in a dream. Dream messages usually don’t begin until at least six to eight weeks after a death. If it hasn’t quite been that long, just give it a little more time.
The article provides a structured approach to communicating with the spiritual realm, which could be useful for those seeking closure.
Yes, having a step-by-step guide might indeed help people feel more at ease with the process.
The outlined steps seem practical and focused, which could aid in demystifying the experience.
The identification of specific signs from loved ones is a compelling aspect. Knowing what to look for can provide some reassurance.
Agreed. Concrete signs can make the experience feel more tangible and less ambiguous.
While the concept might be difficult for some to accept, the article does a good job explaining methods that anyone can theoretically employ.
It’s interesting to see how the article emphasizes the importance of being open and grounded to facilitate communication.
The mention of dream visits is particularly intriguing. It makes sense that dreams provide an open channel for such experiences.
The approach of seeking confirmation if unsure of a message is very logical. It adds a layer of validation to the communication process.