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Gaining Intuition

Gaining Intuition

When you wonder what decisions that you should make, you get advice from people, books, friends, family members and others and sometimes you forget to think about what your own intuition is telling you.

Your subconscious mind is telling you that you need to move a certain direction and that you need to listen to yourself.  Having a psychic gift of being intuitive is important and if you are thinking about your gifts, you should always consider this as a very important gift.

Imagine that you have been sitting around thinking about someone that you love and then all of a sudden, the phone rings and it is exactly who you are thinking about.  This is the gift of intuition and it is where you can have a memory type situation and you use your mental thinking to be successful and to know what is happening in the world.

There are ways that you can develop your intuition and here are some ways:

Recognize It

You need to learn to recognize when your intuition is speaking to you.  This is not normally a very strong voice or noise, but it is a very quiet and subtle noise.  This can also come as a visual image or a message or a flash that goes through your vision.

You have an intuition that will speak to you through a thought and you might even be able to talk to your intuition.  You might be able to have a physical thing that accompanies this such as goosebumps or the hair on the back of your neck standing up.

You might have strong emotions that can also be a way that your intuition speaks through you.  You may get a feeling of love and peace can be guided down a path that will give you joy and peace.

When you have a strong intuitive message, you will have a strong knowing on something.


When you want to access your psychic gifts, especially intuition, you need to learn to meditate.  Having regular meditation will help you to clear your mind from the world’s distraction and will help you to recognize what you want in your life.

Meditate on your own or find a video or a book to follow.  This does not have to be a long meditation and there is no real way to do meditation.  You can notice things that come to your mind when you meditate.

Dedicate Time

When life is hard and busy it is easy to forget to take time to talk to your spirit guides.  Make sure that you take time to do this and that you do it multiple times a day.  Do not make a split decision but look at yourself and choose which path you want to take, after spending time with your spiritual self.


Do not hesitate to ask your intuition for guidance.  Be specific about the information that you are wanting to find out and make sure that you ask questions that will give you answers.


Take time to write down your messages and what actions you will take in life.  There are different things you will hear, and you need to practice making sure that you listen and write things down.  Things can be clear over time.

Take Action

The universe loves you and wants you to listen to your intuition.  When you get information from your inner self and you listen to it, you leave a place for the spirit guides and the universe to know that you are listening and that you have a passion to be strong in the spirit world.


When you have more faith, you will have more answers.  If you want to make good decisions, figure out how to achieve your goals and do this by listening to your intuition.

Listen to what your wisdom gives you and what your heart is saying to you.

Developing It

You need to make sure that you develop your gift of intuition.  Do not do things where you come to a point where you cannot trust yourself but get rid of your self-doubt and do not cast judgement or blame on yourself.

Allow your intuition to help you and to lay a role in your life.  Have one on one with your spirit guides and if you need to talk to a mentor, find one that will help you to reach a higher level in your intuition.  Talk to yourself and see what path you should follow in your life.

Renegotiating a Sacred Contract

Renegotiating a Sacred Contract

When you are in a relationship with someone and it isn’t working, there are two choices.  The first choice is that you can bless the other person and release them, or you can try to work out the situations that are causing the relationship to not work on.  You have to agree on which way to go but when you learn that your relationship is a sacred contract, you will learn that if you change the terms then you might be able to make the relationship work.

This process can be hard and can change the way that your experience things in your life.  This can save your relationship.

Renegotiating a Contract

The first thing you have to do is take a moment to be silent and to figure out what is going on inside of you.  Tap into who you are and who your loved one is and allow yourselves to be the best you can be.  You must try to hold yourself and each other at a higher standard.  Communicate your messages to each other and have a conversation that will bring out an income.

Talk to Each Other

The best way to stop being unhappy is to admit that you are unhappy and try to have compassion with each other.  When you admit that you are different, you will see that having compassion and being thankful is better and that you have to stop blaming each other and being defensive.

Safe Zone

When you are unhappy, you have to be clear that you are not going to be mean to each other and that you are going to have a conversation with respect and love.


Make sure you set intentions and that you know what you want to achieve.  You are the one that is in the mess and you need to create a way out.


Let your loved one know how much you love them.  Even when relationships are hard, you have to know that each person will feel some type of frustration and anger and you have to learn to get over these feelings.  It is important to be thankful for each other.

Figure Out What Works

Figure out what you both want and have clear ideas for the new contract.

Own It

Have you taken the relationship and broken it down to what your responsibilities are?  Learn to take responsibility for your actions instead of being a victim.  Take your part and realize where your mistakes are.  This will help to bring healing.


Be willing to talk about uncomfortable things such as what you are unhappy with.  Even if things are painful, you will need to face it.  Face what you are feeling and point out what makes you unhappy with your loved one.  Learn to speak without being mean or violent with each other.


Come up with solutions to fix the situation.  Learn to compromise with each other and remember that you are not making demands bu you are suggestion in how you can fix the relationship.

Brainstorm ideas so that you can put them in your sacred contract.


If you feel that it is necessary to heal, you should go to therapy and see if your loved one is willing to go with you.  Be compassionate and honest most of all.

Being Present

If you need to take a break, allow your loved one to have a break as well.  You might need to step back and reevaluate your relationship.  Do this without pressuring each other but also be reassuring and learn to negotiate without being afraid.


Do not take control of the relationship.  A healthy relationship is when both sides are important and both sides are able to say what they are feeling.

Rewrite It

After you get new terms, write it down.  Allow yourself permission to keep changing the contract as new thoughts come up.  Print it out and sign it so that it can be official.

Celebrate Each Other

After this, if your relationship survives, celebrate with each other.  This can be such a relief just to talk about what was wrong and it will make you feel lighter and happy with each other.

What If it Goes Bad?

If the contract is not negotiable, then chances are its time for you to realize if you need to leave the relationship or not.  If you have a marriage or you are fighting with your best friend, get counseling to see if it will help.  Learn to bless each other and if you cannot work it out, say goodbye and move on with compassion.

Know for sure that you love each other when you try to work it out but if you cannot, leave with grace and thank them for being a part of your life.  Loving someone can be the greatest thing but sometimes it is the hardest thing to let go of.  Learn to love each other even if you cannot be together with them.


Some people have to renegotiate their sacred contract with a friend or a partner.  When this happens, learn to be happy with the results.  If you can work it out, learn to be happy but if you cannot, leave with dignity and blessing and learn to have a happy life wherever it takes you.

When Your Best Friend is Your Soulmate

When Your Best Friend is Your Soulmate

Do you have a best friend that is someone special to you?  Have you been very close to them and knew that deep down it was more than just a normal relationship?  The truth is this person could be your soulmate.

Many people believe that a soulmate has to be a person that we are going to marry, but the truth is, that people will have multiple soulmates throughout their life.  You will meet people along your journey that will be your soulmate and they will be people that come into your life to teach you a lesson.

When you think about your soulmate, these people will be very special to you.  They can be your mom or your best friend, even your lover.  Each of these relationships will be important to you and will impact your life in positive and negative ways.  Sometimes, a soulmate will stay and sometimes they will go, but they will always be a part of you.

Here are some ways you will know if your friendship is deeper than just a friend:


You will know that you are more than friend if you are able to finish what the other person is saying or if you know what they are feeling before they tell you anything.  You will have the ability to sense the feelings of your soulmate and will know these things without them even talking.

There will be times when you will know what is wrong with your soulmate even if they are not with you and you will urge them to call you in your spirit and then they will call you.  This shows how truly connected you are.

Most people do not understand that having a soulmate can be a psychic experience and if you are truly soulmates, you will understand each other as if the other person is you.


When you make a new friend, sometimes it is hard to keep the conversations strong and going.  With a soulmate, the conversation will go on for hours on end.  You will never run out of things to talk about and you will know that your best friend is your soulmate because you will share things with each other that will help to heal each other and to complete each other.

You will be open to your soulmate and there will be nothing that you cannot tell him or her.


When we meet people, we sometimes have a hard time understanding who they are and what they want in life.  With your soulmate, you will understand them completely and you will be on their level in all things.

Even if your soulmate cannot tell you what kind of problem they are having, you will be able to figure it out because you will be so close to each other.

Sense of Humor

Both you and your soulmate will have the same crazy sense of humor that the other has.  You will laugh at things that other people don’t get and you will not even have to talk to know when your soulmate is going to find something funny.

You will feel their energies at all times inside of you.  You will know what they will find funny and you will know what makes him or her mad or annoyed.


When your best friend or soulmate is feeling sad or upset, you will feel these feelings too.  You want what is best for them and you will do what you can to get these things for them.  You will be angry when someone hurts them or causes them pain.

With your soulmate, when they feel pain, you will feel it too.  You will feel their sadness and their emotions.  When they cry, you will cry, when they feel hopeless, you will feel hopeless.  Everything that happens in their life you will feel.  You will not feel better until your soulmate is better.


Having a soulmate is a much stronger relationship than just having a best friend.  You will know that you have met your soulmate when you experience a closeness that you have found with no one else.

Ways to Identify a Past Life Bond

Ways to Identify a Past Life Bond

You just met a person and your connection felt instantaneous and profound.  It seems like you have always known this person, so how are you only just now getting to know each other?!  Karmic and past life bonds fill us with feelings of comfort and immediate ease.  It’s almost like a spiritual sense of coming home to someone.  Perhaps in this particular case you have met in a previous life, but how can you find out if this hunch is accurate?

Begin with the knowledge that people we seem to have the strongest connections are actually souls we have traveled with throughout the lifetimes.  In each incarnation we are able to lessons from each other and grow in ways that help bring us both closer to enlightenment.  These valuable lessons are not always easy or even pleasant.  One or both parties might need to learn how to forgive lingering hurts at a soul level.  If we are not able to learn this unconditional forgiveness, we will be forced to repeat the lesson until we gain mastery.

We also select themes we must face in each new life.  In order to address these issues, we recruit the aid of helper spirits which come into the lifetime along with in the form of a “soul mate.”  This bond could be the form of a family member, friend, stranger, teacher or even a romantic partner.

If you think a special person in your life is someone you have had a history with in a previous lifetime, start by looking for the lesson.  Are they helping to teach you something insightful about yourself or life in general?  Do they inspire you to improve yourself or the world around you?  A challenge, whether positive or negative is a strong sign of a previous life connections between two people.  Bigger challenges allow for greater self-growth and may signal that you have spent multiple lifetimes together since you need to face more steps to master this lesson.

Is this person playing a part in a recurring theme for you?  Just because you might be meeting for the first time, doesn’t mean the situation isn’t something previous engrained for you.  If we don’t learn a key lesson in a previous lifetime, it will carry over with us into the next one.  However, since it didn’t work the first time around, our soul might select a new teacher who can over a fresh perspective.  When you understand that the pattern is the same, but this new person is different you can watch as your life transforms for the better.  As you gain control of the lesson, your relationship together with evolve in untold ways.

Is this person selflessly helping you?  The benevolent stranger can be a valuable teacher or mentor.  If they are offering you something you are in desperate need of at particular moment in your life, this could be a sign that you have helped this person in a previous life and now they are paying your former kindness forward in this current lifetime.

Past lives are complex and rich.  When you look for and honor key signs that you have met before, you can reestablish deep connections to people that you may have overlooked in the hustle in daily living.  Together you can nurture these ties to help you both grow personally and spiritually in ways that will benefit the entire world.

Connecting with Your Chakras

Connecting with Your Chakras

What does it mean when you are reaching your higher self?  The higher self is the part of you where yo u have intuition and you are guided and given opportunities to live a better life.  This can come when you have been going through hard times and can be an easy path for you to choose.  When you have your higher self, you can connect with your self and with the truth.

Focus on what you are trying to do in life and get rid of your negative feelings.

Where is It?

Where is the place that you find your higher self?  This can be found in understanding.  There are chakras that you have, and your higher self is found on the eight chakra.  If you call upon this chakra, you will find your higher self.  It is a big place and there isn’t enough room for everything, but it is all you need.  It can travel down to where you are and help you.

What to Do?

When you want to reach your higher self, you have to connect.  You need to change your routine and see what works to make you feel positive and happy.  Focus on what gives you joy and increase your vibrational frequencies.  Call upon your higher self and connect to it.  Practice being better.

Each moment of your day writes down what you are doing and what situations make you happy and what makes you upset.  Once you know, shift your energies.

Notice how others are being.  What kinds of seeds are they planting in you?  Not everyone will be with you forever and sometimes people come just to teach you something and then move on.

What would you do if you were a bigger version of yourself?  How do you want your life to be?

Living with Drama

Drama is in everyday life.  It is hard to heal yourself and to reach your higher self when you are focused on the drama of the world.  When you focus on all of your problems, you have a hard time finding a solution.  Look at your environment and see if you can find a higher place to be in yourself.

What challenges do you have?  Do you have a hard time connecting to your higher self?  What holds you back?  What has been things that you have been successful in?


When you are looking to reach your higher self, remember to:

  • Focus on positive things.
  • Focus on your spirit guides.
  • Ask your spirit guides to help you.
  • Get rid of all of your negative feelings.
  • Know that you have a purpose.
  • Seek the purpose of your life.
  • Allow yourself to see good in yourself.
  • Look for good in others.
  • Try to live life to the fullest.
  • Know that you have a higher self and you can reach it.

Psychic or Empath

Psychic or Empath

If you want to be balanced in your life then this means that you need to find a healthy balance between your life at work, your life at home and your own psychic gifts.

Juggling life is never going to be easy and finding a balance can be hard.  When you are intuitive, it can be even harder because you are always picking up the feelings of others and are always sensitive to the energies around you.

Without even knowing it, chances are that you are on a different level and you will have a harder time balancing life.  An empath needs to find harmony in the chaos of life so that they do not feel overwhelmed and stressed out.


If you feel guilty in your life, this can be hard to deal with.  You have to learn to deal with this and turn the negative emotions of guilt into positive emotions of love and happiness.  You have to learn to let it go and affirm yourself daily.

You have to allow yourself to be joyful and let yourself know that you are wonderful at being a mom, a friend and a good person.  You have to let your happiness be an inspiration to others and by being creative and joyful, you are helping others and yourself.


Meditating is a good way to be able to center yourself.  If you look inside, meditating doesn’t even have to be a formal thing.  There doesn’t have to be a list of things to do and you can do this even when you are busy.  Take time to daydream and to think about things that you are doing in your life.  Practice your clairvoyance, clairaudience and more by listening to what is inside of you.

Use meditation to clear your mind and to give you a clear mindset.

Having Boundaries

Everyone has to have boundaries.  Boundaries help to balance you and especially if you are sensitive to people around you then interacting with others on a constant basis is hard.  You have to learn to stop picking up the energy of everyone you meet and if you are going to do this, prepare yourself.

Set boundaries by using a mirror and stand in front of it.  Tell the energies not to come to you and do not absorb them but let them bounce back off of you.  This can give you a clear feeling.

Remind yourself that you are allowed to be happy and that you can use the emotions of others to bring yourself creativity and happiness instead of pain and sadness.


Keep your life organized.  Have a plan to stay organized and make lists each day if you need to.  Help yourself to stay on track and do not overfill your schedule.

Remember Yourself

Do not forget that you need time in your day to concentrate on yourself.  Allow your soul and mind to heal along with your body.  Do something for you like take a hot bath or read a book.  Spend time with people you love and do anything that makes you feel good.

Protecting Your Psychic Energy

Protecting Your Psychic Energy

Protecting Your Psychic EnergyEach and every person has some light around them, this is their aura.  This is the energy that surrounds you and protects you from the negative energies of the world.  This aura, your psychic energy, acts as a space around you that is considered to be your shield.

Your aura is very sensitive, and the colors of the aura will change depending on what is happening around you.  You have to learn to take care of your aura and to make sure that you are keeping your chakras balanced or you will find that you are tired and exhausted form life.  Just doing small things like taking a few minutes to meditate or by doing daily readings, you can increase your aura and stop some of the negative energy flow to your life.

While there are negative energies all over the world, there are many ways that you can still get positive energies.,  Some of the best places to get positive energies include places that you go everyday such as church or even a wedding.


Just like all other energies, your aura can be drained when you are surrounded by negative thoughts and emotions.,  The great thing about your psychic energy is that it can quickly be healed but it also is influenced by what is going on around you.

If you are places you shouldn’t be or around a lot of negativity, chances are, you will cause your energy to be harmed.  You are vulnerable to these things when you are open to other people and are sharing your gift or your healings.  It is the most important reason why you should always cleanse your aura.

Some of the things that you do will drain you and will have a bad impact on your energy.  Some of these things can happen when you are communicating with spirts and when they are using you to talk to others.  This can impact your aura strongly.

There are ways that you can protect yourself and increase your aura and you can do this first by imagining a white light surrounding you.  This is something you need to practice protecting yourself.

Cleansing Your Energy

When you protect yourself and keep your psychic energy strong, you will have a healthy body, mind and aura.  You can practice cleansing yourself each and everyday by using different activities.  Some of these activities may work for you and some might not.

There are many different tools that you can use to protect yourself from negative energies and depending on what you are doing, your aura can increase or decrease depending on who you are around.  If you are around sadness and anger a lot, your aura can become dull.

White Light

One of the easiest ways that you can increase your aura colors is to imagine that you are surrounded by a white light.  You can do this to achieve positive results and you will feel better and you will increase your energy and help your body to be healthy.

You always need to make sure that you have white light surrounding you.  You need to figure out what method works best for you and which method brings you the most peace.  If you need to, use a blue light and visualize yourself seeing the blue light and the light flowing through the center of your body.  This light can help you have peace.

When you practice this, make sure that you are not trapping the negative energy inside of you.  Let this out first.

Crystals and Stones

Most psychics will use some type of crystal or stone when they first start practicing their gift.  There are stones that are great for healing and can bring positive energies.  Some of the best crystals that can help you are:

  • Tiger’s Eye
  • Quartz
  • Ruby
  • Amethyst
  • Emerald

Sage Burning

Sage burning is a common thing for psychics and can help to clear negative energies.  Many of the readings happen with the burning of sage so this is not an unfamiliar practice.  The herb is easy to get and can be purchased at almost any grocery store.

Salt Bath

Another easy cleansing ritual is a salt bath.  This can happen during a reading when a psychic will wash their hands.  When you wash your hands, make sure that you do this with salt so that you can assist in your cleansing.  If you want to, take a full body bath in salt and this can continue to cleanse your whole body.


Meditating each day is a way to keep yourself calm and strong.  Meditation can happen anywhere and at any time.  You can even go to a bathroom and shut the door and relax.

When you meditate, try to find a place that is calm and relaxing and a place that you can get comfortable in.

When you find a safe and calm place, allow your body to relax.  Breathe slowly and deeply and say a prayer.

If you have a busy day and you haven’t had time to meditate, do this before you go to bed or even when you are in bed.  Lay down and close your eyes and concentrate on good things.  This will refresh your energy and give you a good night rest.

How to Know You Have a Psychic Connection

How to Know You Have a Psychic Connection

How to Know You Have a Psychic ConnectionHave you ever been around someone that you didn’t know but that you felt such a strong connection with them that you were sure that you have met them before?  You might be attracted to them or find that they give you some strange sensation, but the bottom line is that you cannot just ignore it.  These feelings might be larger and more important than you even realize.

Psychic Connection

A psychic connection is a link between two people that goes beyond anything physical.  This is a bond that you will have with someone and will be like two souls that are connected.  This happens when the energies of two people are in sync and they become connected like kindred spirits or soulmates.  These can also be twin flames or connections from your past life.  A psychic connection can work in different places and with different people.

The most common psychic connection happens between people that have the same intense emotions at the same time.  The energy is impossible to ignore, and it is an emotional attachment.  The attachments are sometimes linked to the psychic gateway and these emotions are needed in order for people to bond with each other.  This can open a path.

There are different reasons why someone might experience a psychic connection with someone, and these include:

  • Being soulmates
  • Being twin flames
  • Having kindred spirits
  • A past life connection
  • A karmic connection

There are other bonds that can form but these are some of the strongest and most frequent ones.


Being a soulmate is the easiest psychic connection to feel.  This is a person that you can sense physically and spiritually.  You might spend a lot of your life together with one of these people, no matter what gender they are.  They can be your soulmate and only stop being your soulmate when they die.

Kindred Spirits

If you have a kindred spirit, it is a bond that you have that is strong.  You like the same things and you are more physically attracted and connected than mentally.  These come from nature and usually happen between people that have similar interests and qualities.

Twin Flames

A twin flame is like a kindred spirit, but they are different because it is not a physical or mental, but it can happen no matter what gender the person is.  This is when each person has half of the other persons soul and has to come together to make it one.

Past Life

Past life connections happen when you meet someone, and you don’t know why you know them, but they have been in your life before.  This is like déjà vu and the souls will recognize each other and the connections are needed to form a whole.  This is different than the souls being split and is a past life situations.

Karma Connections

Karma connections happen when your energies are common and your past life doings make a strong bod with you and it brings about a relationship with spirits.

These connections mean that you can have different psychic links in your life.  You might find that you have the connection with all different people, and none is better than the other.

Knowing You Have a Connection

Only you know if you have a real psychic connection with someone and this is because of event and signs that are linked to you.

Sense No Matter the Distance

When you feel someone no matter the distance, you can have information with someone from thousands of miles away.  You can keep your friendship with someone and keep the connection strong.


With a psychic connection, you can sense their feelings at any moment.  This does not matter where they are or what they are doing.


You can feel if they are in danger because your link will be so strong and intense.  You will be fearful of what happens to them.


A person that you have a psychic connection with cannot surprise you no matter how they try.  They might try but you will always know when they are going to contact you or come to you.


The more time you spend with this psychic connection, the more time you will pick up their habits and mannerisms.  This happens even when you don’t’ mean it to and you will find yourself going the same places and wearing the same clothing patterns, without it being planned.

These are just a few ways that you can tell if you have a psychic link.  The signs of these connections can be strong and it depends on what type of connection you have as to what factors you will share with your psychic connection.

Know the Runes for Healing

Know the Runes for Healing

Healing is an art and healers within the northern tradition have a lot of untapped power available in runes. Some can work solely as a rune healer while others expand their healing work through channeling rune energies. Other ways to use runes is by chanting, creating bespoke bind runes and using crystals and herbs to create new positive energies.

There are a number of different runes which are used for different types of healing. You can use one or combine several to create wonderful results in healing work. One thing to remember about runes. They are like anything else in that they can be used for good or evil. Some fear them because they have heard of them used for malicious intent. While that may be true, they can also be used for positive efforts.

Below are some of the runes used for different purposes:

  • Fehu

This energy rune improves both digestion and circulation. It has nurturing effects and can be sued with Berkano to improve the milk supply in breastfeeding mothers. If you are feeling a little low or sluggish, this can be an effective energy boost.

  • Uruz

This incredibly powerful run produces stability and strength. It is effective for all-round healing and tends to produce excellent results for the skeleton and muscles. The primary energy of this rune is earthy with the secondary energy water currents so it is a great one to use for purification.

  • Kenaz

This rune is a bit more controversial because it is linked to transformation. That means it is linked to changes in the body through death, prompting some to believe it should not be used in healing. However, it can prompt the body to heal itself or to pull an illness from deep within the body to the surface to be released.

Kenaz, by tradition, is associated with discoloration, fever, bruising, ulcers and inflammation. It is known by those in the northern tradition to be a powerful tool used by elves or dwarves. These creatures are believed to bring on illness with magic. Kenaz can be used to find the source of the illness using heat in the hands.

  • Laguz

This water rune is used for cleansing and purification of both the body and the mind. Many use it with Uruz for stabilization and to contain the energy. This rune can be used to release repeated patterns within the body as well as blockages. It is also great to empower herbs in the Anglo-Saxon healing tradition of herb use.

  • Perthro

This rune has a feminine energy, but is also associated with healing work to improve the brain, connections to the brain and memory. It is also excellent for the hips, the womb and in birthing. It is a transition rune and helps with souls crossing over into this world or with those transitioning from life to death.

  • Algiz

This is the rune to use for protection. It can be used to guard the space before a healing rite and to protect those in need of healing. It is connected to both swan and elk energies that help connect heaven and earth.

  • Sowilo

This rune is often the first one a healer channels. Its energy is then passed to the client, similar to reiki healing. This is described by healers to have incredible healing power as it contains warmth and vitality. It is linked to the life force and wholeness. It can also be used to prevent the healer from absorbing a client’s negative energies.

  • Teiwaz

This powerful rune is not typically recognized for healing, but is used for healers as a personal rune. It identifies with the wounded healer with many called to the craft after facing some type of wounding.

This runes shape is that of an arrow, a sword or spear and, therefore, it is considered a sacred weapon of a shaman’s initiatory wounding. Using this rune doesn’t require wounding, as it can also be used to understand how illness and wounds can produce gifts. Many use it with Wunjo to gain a deeper understanding of wholeness on a spiritual path.

Healing techniques can be readily found in northern soul lore framework and the northern tradition also has distinct elements and healing guides. It is good to know and understand these as you begin working with runes.

Understanding Rune Stones

Understanding Rune Stones

Pagan use rune in divination work by asking a direct question and using the scripts to ascertain how the situation is currently and how it may unfold in the future.  Runes used in spell casting is known as magick runes.  Coming in two forms, cards or stones, magick runes are employed in divinations or charm creation  Below is chart of the Rune Alphabet and their respective meanings.Rune Alphabet and their respective meanings

Runes are used to help provide guidance.  When you focus on your question, you will be able to tap into your subconscious to understand key facets, answers you are seeking and steps you need to take.  Take care to cleanse and charge your runes before and after each use to ensure balance energy.  Prior to a reading ask whatever you consider holy, to steward your work.  Make sure to thank them for their love and assistance after the reading is finished.

Below we have provided you two ways to perform a reading with rune stones:

Single Stone Reading

Place all the rune stones in a bag and ground yourself.  With a clear mind, focus on your question.  Have the bag on the table and use your receptive hand to mix up the stones.  Ask your questions out loud and draw a single stone from the bag.  The symbol shown on this rune is instrumental in answering your question.  Try to use your intuition to best understand how this relates to your question.  If absolutely necessary, state your confusion about the answer out loud and drawn a second stone.  That symbol should provide you the direction you seek.

Four Stone Reading

This reading is best for people with advance knowledge of rune divination.  Place all the rune stones in a bag and ground yourself.  With a clear mind, focus on your question.  Have the bag on the table and use your receptive hand to mix up the stones.  Ask your questions out loud and draw four stones from the bag.  Place the first stone down, this symbol represents your past desires regarding the question.  Next, place the second stone to the lower right of the first one.  This rune depicts your current feelings about the situations.  Next, place the third stone to the lower left of the first stone.  This represent the influences of others on the situation.  Finally, place the four stone below the first, creating a circle.  This symbol represents your spirit’s inner most desires about the questions.  Through understand and work, you can manifest a positive outcome within 4-6 months.

Enjoy building a connection to your rune stone.  As you grow in knowledge and comfort you can experience with a variety of layouts.  The most successful may be the ones you can instantly cast and infer its facets and message.  Contrary to public belief, divinations messages from tools like runes are not random.  They are in fact profoundly connected with your subconscious and highest vibrations.  Working with rune allows you to work with divine beings sent to aid us on our quests for happiness and enlightenment.