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Are Psychics Real?

Are Psychics Real?

You might wonder if psychics are real and the answer is yes. Psychics are people that are able to tune into the spirit world and have a deep connection with their abilities.

Psychic Gifts

Everyone is born with a psychic gift and everyone has a sixth sense but not everyone knows how to develop their gift. One day, you will realize you have a sixth sense and that you will want to use this.

This can be something that seems strange at first but then as you develop your gift, you will see that you are strong. You can meditate and this will help you to get there faster.

You may feel that going to a psychic might not be best for you but if you understand their intuition and their gifts, you will realize they are there to help you and to protect you.

Doubting is something that is normal, and you have to learn to trust who you are and believe in yourself.


You have intuition. Intuition is knowing something without knowing how you know it or why. This can be something that you sense without using your senses. Think about a dream that you have had in your past and maybe in the dream you knew someone in it.

The spirit is doing this so that you will connect with this person. If you are a parent and you have been woken up at night to find out that your child needs you, this is part of your intuition.

Have you ever dreamed of a loved one that has died? If so, this can be part of your psychic ability and this is something that can keep growing.

Knowing Everything

A psychic doesn’t know everything. Even though sometimes you see this in the movies or on television, the truth is they do not know everything.

Psychics will communicate with you through the spirit and they are not able to decide what the spirit world is going to show them.

Some psychics are fraudulent, and they will give you information that is not real and they will make you pay them and believe that they have been honest when they haven’t. Be careful who you go to for a reading.

Psychics that are real do not know everything and they will give you all the information that they can rather you want to hear it or not.

Psychics and Acting

Some psychics are real, and they use their gifts in order to help others and some are fake, and they just want to take money from people that are looking for answers.

There are people that are not real psychics that claim to be. If someone tells you that you are cursed or charges you more money to get rid of evil spirits out of your life, they are fake.

A good psychic will tell you what you want to know and will help you reach your higher self. Some will work with tools and others will not.

Kinds of Psychics

There are different kinds of psychics and here are some that are very known:


An empath is someone that is able to feel the feelings of others and to know what people are going through without someone telling them. They have strong emotions and can feel the energies of the room.


Mediums are psychics that are able to talk to spirits that have passed on to the other side. They can sometimes reach your loved ones or friends.


Clairvoyants are psychics that use their intuition to see things in their mind such as visions or images.


A person that is clairaudient is someone that can hear messages in their mind. Even though they do not hear things through their ears, they hear things in their heart or mind.


When someone gets information from the spirit world, they are clairsentient.

Dream Interpreters

Some psychics are able to interpret dreams. They use messages from the spirit world and can talk to people that are spirits.

Remote Viewing

Some psychics use their mind to get messages from people or from places. They can help find lost things.


A person that channels is someone that can connect with other spirits. They let the spirits come into them so that you can talk to them.

Automatic Writing

Some people can write down things and get messages in their writing while they listen to the spirit world.

Psychic Readings

Psychic readings are things that people want to get so that they can get information about their job, life, romance and more. If you have answers you are seeking, you can go to a psychic to get a reading and then you can figure out what you can use.

Remember, we all have free will and so a psychic cannot decide the future. You decide what path you are going to take.

A good reading will come when you have an open mind and heart. You have to let your energy flow freely and be able to let the psychic talk to you openly and honestly.

Always be ready to hear the truth and do not be closed off when you go to a reading.

How to Develop Natural Clair Abilities

How to Develop Natural Clair Abilities

Everyone is born with some natural clair abilities, whether they realize it or not. The problem is most don’t understand how to use these natural abilities and rarely ever try to develop them. For many, clair abilities are something of soothsayers and fortune-tellers along a boardwalk.

Clair abilities follow our natural senses and some are more gifted in one particular type while others may have several. Four of the most recognized abilities are clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience.

Many people recognize the word clairvoyance, which translates to “clear seeing” but most don’t understand it. This is when a person has visions and images appear in their mind through the third eye chakra. It is the most widely used of the psychic abilities and is relatively easy to develop.

You can enhance clairvoyance abilities through meditation and by practicing visualization. You can look at abstract artwork to see details you would otherwise miss and similar visual puzzles that enhance your focus.

Claircognizance means “clear knowing.” Typically, this ability doesn’t operate alone and usually works with others as a way of confirming the knowledge. Because it works alongside other clair abilities, this ability is best developed after you have developed the others.

People who have claircognizance get “downloads” of information from seemingly nowhere. The information is correct and can be proven correct. In religious circles, those who have these abilities are called prophets because they can know things that others do not.

Developing this trait can be fun. You can try guessing who is calling before looking at the caller id. You can try the old game of using a regular deck of playing cards to guess which card is laid down. As your guessing becomes more accurate, your confidence will grow and then your claircognizance will also grow.

Clairaudience is the ability to hear clearly and is widely used by psychics where the spirit world communicates with them. It could be an actual sound or a whisper in the mind.

This ability can be enhanced through meditation. It is important to clear your mind and have a quiet area where you can hear without distractions. Another way to enhance these abilities is to listen to different music at different volumes. This can soften your hearing and open up your clairaudience ability.

Clairsentience is the ability most are familiar with because it is a clear feeling. It is the “gut instinct” many people experience. All empaths have this ability and are highly unestimated. It is the ability to pick up on other’s feelings, sense spirits, or the energies of space.

You must connect with your physical body to develop this ability. You must be aware of how your body naturally reacts in certain situations and what those reactions could mean. Gut instincts, dizziness, headaches, or body pains associated with a certain person or place is proof your clairsentience is working.

Testing this ability is easy and can be fun. You can tour an old historic place without looking at the history first to see if you feel anything about its past. Note how your body reacts and check out the history to see how accurate you were when you’re done.

Developing these abilities is like playing games with yourself. They can be fun and easy and soon you will notice some small improvements in all of these abilities. You may never reach psychic levels, but enhancing your natural ability helps you in all your future interactions and decisions.

What to Do When You Need to Contact a Psychic Advisor

What to Do When You Need to Contact a Psychic Advisor

Life is stressful enough and therefore your psychic reading should not be full of stress and aggravation. When you are talking to a psychic guide for the first time, it can be intimidating but if you know what to look for before you talk to them, you can be more confident in yourself and your reading.

Booking a reading is important if you are seeking answer but it is important that you know what a psychic does. This will not be the same thing that you have seen on television series or in movies. A psychic is someone that has ESP or extrasensory perception and they are able to get information from the spirit guides. Some psychics will use different tools such as pictures, astrology, and tarot cards. A psychics skills can be strong, and they take years to master, but their gift is natural.

Rather you want to know what career path to go on or if you want to know why your heart got broken, you need to learn what to expect when you get a reading.

Online Psychic Readings

Psychic readers have businesses either in their home or in a business. Some of them have an actual storefront. Online readings have become popular over the years and are easy to get because the psychic can work right from their home.

The great thing about an online reading is that you do not have to go face to face with them and you can keep your identity anonymous. There is also less of a chance that someone will scam you because they will not be able to see you and therefore, they cannot pick up on your body language.

People are skeptical about online readings because they often do not understand how energy works. Energy is everywhere and it is not decided on space or time. Even if you are countries away, a psychic can pick up on your energy, no matter where you are.

When you give your psychic reader permission to get information on you, he or she can seek the spiritual guides and use their powers to find out about who you are and what you need.


Make sure that you find a psychic that is known. Look at the reviews and the prices. Check out their testimonies so that you do not get someone that is fake.

Choose someone that is covering what you want such as a relationship guide or a career guide. If you want to do a tarot reading, find a psychic that does this. You have plenty of choices to choose from.

Open Mind

Never go into a reading with a closed mind. If you want someone to help you, you have to go in with a positive vibe and an open mind. If you are negative or closed minded, your psychic will pick up on that and you are just wasting your time.

Guiding the Session

Even though you want to talk about yourself it is important that you let your psychic guide the session. Do not lead into the discussion or give them ideas on what you are feeling.

A good psychic should do most of the talking because they should be picking up information from the spirit world about you.

If you keep talking about your life, then your psychic will become overloaded and might manipulate you.


Psychic readings have many good things about them, and they should leave you confident and full of peace. You should get the insight that you want.

There are psychics that have true gifts but there are some people that are out to scam you. A real psychic should have clarity and be able to do a cold reading by using different techniques. They should be able to get the information on you that they need in order to tell you what you are seeking.

A psychic will never be able to give you the winning lottery numbers or give you a specific date.


One thing that you need to pay attention to is how long your reading is taking. Some psychics charge by the minute and you need to know what you are going to pay at the end of your reading. Give your psychic time to answer your questions right away so you do not end up with a big bill.

Be Kind

No matter what happens and even if you feel that you are unable to connect with your guide, be kind. Never be rude or disrespectful to your advisor. If your reading is not how you expected it to be, just move forward and find someone else to do your reading.

Sacred Animals

Sacred Animals

Most of the time, people have animals in their home that they are loyal to and that have become a member of their family. We interact with these animals and we treat them with love and cherish them.

In ancient times, people did not treat their animals the way that we do now. They treated them like gods and thy would use them for religious purposes. The culture of how we treat animals has changed over time.


In ancient Greece, animals were considered gods. They were worshipped and would be sacrificed for the people. Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was symbolized by a dove and the god Apollo by a swan. Even Zeus was sometimes shown as an eagle. These were considered holy gods in the culture.

Aphrodite, the goddess of love, was said to be full of grace and beauty and Zeus was considered to be powerful like an eagle. Both were loved by the ancient Greeks.


Animals in Ancient Rome were seen on pottery, coins and even buildings. The wolf was one of the most seen animals. Romulus and Remus were twin brothers that were raised by a she-wolf. The she-wolf nourished Romulus on his journey.

The she-wolf is seen as a success and a savior from death. The wolf could be found all over Rome.


The ancient Egyptians loved animals and felt that gods were seen as animals or would return as animals. They would worship the animal and if the animals were harmed, it could be punished by death.

Some of the common animals that were worshiped were the falcon, cats and more.

Animal Worship Now

Animals were considered sacred in the past but today in the world, we can still find places that worship animals as religious practices. Some of the places include India where they have special laws that protect animals such as cattle. This is part of the Hinduism religion.

The dog is also viewed as a sacred animal and they are part of the Tihar festival. Even if you do not view your own cat or dog as a god or as a door to heaven, there are some places in the world where animals are still considered to be sacred.

Next time you decide to spend time with your pet, imagine how much other people around the world see the sacredness of this animal. Take a moment to realize and respect how majestic your pet is and how these things have happened over thousands of years of time.

How to Use Tarot Cards to Know He’s Cheating

How to Use Tarot Cards to Know He's Cheating

Many feel tarot cards can give information that could be helpful. Some information is about your past while others show your present or the future. While it shows many wonderful things, the cards can also show things that are tragic or hurtful also. That includes cards that show your love is cheating.

The Meaning of Tarot Cards

One thing to remember about tarot cards is the same card can mean different things. You must combine the cards with the layout and how each card related to each other to figure out what they are trying to say. It paints a complete picture when interpreted correctly.

It is difficult for a tarot card reader when the cards indicate the one you love has been unfaithful to you. Several cards can indicate infidelity, depending on the layout and the order they come up. It’s important to be aware of what means infidelity and what does not.

Cards Indicating Cheating

Tarot cards can indicate a desire to cheat, actual cheating or trouble in a relationship. According to tarot card readers, the Devil card related to temptation or undesirable behavior. The Seven of Swords show that something is being hidden, but doesn’t show what that is. The Moon card can either mean deception or being stalled between two competing desires.

Tarot cards that have a stronger indication of ongoing cheating already occurring include the Eight of Cups, the Five of Swords, the Ten of Swords, and the Three of Swords. Each has a different meaning though.

The Eight of Swords indicates either your feelings of disappointment or someone walking away. The Five of Swords points to betrayal while the Ten of Swords symbolizes someone you love will deeply hurt you. The Three of Swords is the most powerful card indicating that infidelity is happening.

Cards that indicate a troubled relationship, but do not show infidelity, includes the Tower card, which is associated with guilty feelings or ideas of a shattered life.

Some cards indicate a person is battling the desire to have an affair. Those are the Hanged Man, the Four of Cups, the Five of Wands, and the Two of Swords. Some cards suggest the person is regretful about an action or behavior they have already done. These two are the Five of Cups or the Nine of Swords.

Card Positions Showing Infidelity

Cards can’t be read by the card alone. Their true meaning depends on their positions to each other and how they pop up.

For instance, the Four of Wands, the Lovers, the Ace of Cups, and the Two of Cups typically indicate happy, intensely romantic love. However, if they show up in a reading spread in an inverted, or upside down, position, they can mean infidelity. Any time a card comes up inverted, it means the exact opposite of what it usually means.

The most important thing you can do is to look at all the information a tarot card reading provides rather than looking at the one question. Like love, some tarot readings can be complicated so be sure to understand everything it is trying to tell you.

How to Know if You are Ready to Listen to a Psychic’s Wisdom

Psychic’s Wisdom

It can feel daunting to visit a psychic and to be truly receptive to their insight.  What people don’t often talk about is that psychic too can be worried if their client is able to fully process their message in a healthy manner.  Often when emotions get charged or an unexpected insight is delivered people can’t fully absorb the valuable lesson.

Here are seven minefield you need to address when visiting a psychic to ensure you are able to full listen to their wisdom:

  1. DENIAL: Psychic quickly become aware to energetic disturbance and easily pick up one’s tension, frustration, anger and fear. Denial is a common reaction to any negative emotions.  Before you visit a reader address if you are fully able to be receptive to an unexpected message and if you can begin to implement any necessary changes to improve your life.
  2. SHOCK: If you do receive any upsetting insight allow yourself space to process the message.  This may involve waiting a few days or a few weeks to revisit the psychic to continue your reading.
  3. EXPECTATIONS: Avoid going into a reading read to only hear the answer you want to a question.  There is no benefit from jumping between psychics in the hope that maybe this one will tell me X.  Embrace the unknown as it can create stunning inner transformations.  But your metamorphosis can only occur if you are open and ready for this needed change.
  4. PAUSE: When upsetting news occurs its important that remember to breathe.  You won’t get any further clarity by going to an array of psychics while you are in a bothered state.  Instead check-in with yourself and be comfortable becoming vulnerable.  Understand if you feel safe to open yourself up to any potential further disappointment.  It’s ok if the answer is no.  You can always see another psychic when you are more rested and balanced within yourself.
  5. EXPERIMENT: Resist the urge to ask the same question at every reading. Instead, explore a range of issues you might be facing in your life or any unresolved issues you might be burdened by.
  6. CREATE PEACE: In a time of panic it is easy to feel caught in a storm.  Allow yourself to center and breathe.  By creating peace, you can shift your perspective to something more neutral where you can become more receptive to a reader’s insights.
  7. FREE WILL: This is a Divine-given blessing. Sure, you might yearn for a certain outcome or message, but that not be in your best interest.  Likewise, you can hear a message that doesn’t resonate well with you.  You then are free to forge your own destiny.  A reading is merely a snapshot of the situation at that moment in time.  If a reading becomes too intense for you, you have the choice to stay or leave.  Select whichever option feels the healthiest for you.  A psychic is able to guide you through all scenarios and will be willing to help you further when the time is more appropriate for you to listen and absorb.

How to Tell if You Met Someone Before in a Previous Life

How to Tell if You Met Someone Before in a Previous Life

Frequently we meet people that we felt like we have known for years.  But how can you tell if this connection is due to a connection from a previous lifetime?  It is common for souls to reincarnate together in subsequent lifetimes to grow their bond and assist each other’s spiritual journey.

When a partnership from a previous lifetime meet the connection can feel intense.  This is because the work done in the previous life is not yet finished and requires a metamorphosis in the current one.  Friendship is the pinnacle of love.  It serves to evolve into the divine expression of God’s boundless love.  Friendship require no expectations and is the free exchange of love energy between hearts.

Discovering true friends is rare indeed.  One can have an array of acquaintances, but in friendships you find true synergy.  Friendship is void of attachment or expectations.  The most harmonious bonds occur when two or more souls seek to become closer to God and Universal wisdom.  Without the base of loving God, the relationship risks developing attachment, which will cause it to remain solely on the plane of human love.

Friendships that span lifetimes will be based upon shared traits of the soul and not earthly qualities like physical attraction.  Only when you meet on a spiritual plane can you both discover lasting joy and fulfillment.  Of course, it is important you and your friends have fun and enjoy life while on Earth.  But you will know you have met in a previous lifetime if you both seek communion with the Divine and a quest to aid Universal wellbeing.  You will notice you spend much time discussing God and spiritual themes.  You may differ on certain avenues to better reach God, but together you will have a focus on strengthen those lines of communication, both better one another and yourselves and God.  You will have mutual respect for one another and treasure your union above everything else.

When you meet people, be mindful and pay attention!  Notice, and honor your initial reactions towards one another.  This is key to recognizing if you have met in previous lifetimes.  It transcends emotion or attraction.  Instead you will have a powerful feeling in your heart chakra of being in true harmony with someone else.  Only when you feel this sensation can you be certain that you met in another lifetime!

Gaining Intuition

Gaining Intuition

When you wonder what decisions that you should make, you get advice from people, books, friends, family members and others and sometimes you forget to think about what your own intuition is telling you.

Your subconscious mind is telling you that you need to move a certain direction and that you need to listen to yourself.  Having a psychic gift of being intuitive is important and if you are thinking about your gifts, you should always consider this as a very important gift.

Imagine that you have been sitting around thinking about someone that you love and then all of a sudden, the phone rings and it is exactly who you are thinking about.  This is the gift of intuition and it is where you can have a memory type situation and you use your mental thinking to be successful and to know what is happening in the world.

There are ways that you can develop your intuition and here are some ways:

Recognize It

You need to learn to recognize when your intuition is speaking to you.  This is not normally a very strong voice or noise, but it is a very quiet and subtle noise.  This can also come as a visual image or a message or a flash that goes through your vision.

You have an intuition that will speak to you through a thought and you might even be able to talk to your intuition.  You might be able to have a physical thing that accompanies this such as goosebumps or the hair on the back of your neck standing up.

You might have strong emotions that can also be a way that your intuition speaks through you.  You may get a feeling of love and peace can be guided down a path that will give you joy and peace.

When you have a strong intuitive message, you will have a strong knowing on something.


When you want to access your psychic gifts, especially intuition, you need to learn to meditate.  Having regular meditation will help you to clear your mind from the world’s distraction and will help you to recognize what you want in your life.

Meditate on your own or find a video or a book to follow.  This does not have to be a long meditation and there is no real way to do meditation.  You can notice things that come to your mind when you meditate.

Dedicate Time

When life is hard and busy it is easy to forget to take time to talk to your spirit guides.  Make sure that you take time to do this and that you do it multiple times a day.  Do not make a split decision but look at yourself and choose which path you want to take, after spending time with your spiritual self.


Do not hesitate to ask your intuition for guidance.  Be specific about the information that you are wanting to find out and make sure that you ask questions that will give you answers.


Take time to write down your messages and what actions you will take in life.  There are different things you will hear, and you need to practice making sure that you listen and write things down.  Things can be clear over time.

Take Action

The universe loves you and wants you to listen to your intuition.  When you get information from your inner self and you listen to it, you leave a place for the spirit guides and the universe to know that you are listening and that you have a passion to be strong in the spirit world.


When you have more faith, you will have more answers.  If you want to make good decisions, figure out how to achieve your goals and do this by listening to your intuition.

Listen to what your wisdom gives you and what your heart is saying to you.

Developing It

You need to make sure that you develop your gift of intuition.  Do not do things where you come to a point where you cannot trust yourself but get rid of your self-doubt and do not cast judgement or blame on yourself.

Allow your intuition to help you and to lay a role in your life.  Have one on one with your spirit guides and if you need to talk to a mentor, find one that will help you to reach a higher level in your intuition.  Talk to yourself and see what path you should follow in your life.

Renegotiating a Sacred Contract

Renegotiating a Sacred Contract

When you are in a relationship with someone and it isn’t working, there are two choices.  The first choice is that you can bless the other person and release them, or you can try to work out the situations that are causing the relationship to not work on.  You have to agree on which way to go but when you learn that your relationship is a sacred contract, you will learn that if you change the terms then you might be able to make the relationship work.

This process can be hard and can change the way that your experience things in your life.  This can save your relationship.

Renegotiating a Contract

The first thing you have to do is take a moment to be silent and to figure out what is going on inside of you.  Tap into who you are and who your loved one is and allow yourselves to be the best you can be.  You must try to hold yourself and each other at a higher standard.  Communicate your messages to each other and have a conversation that will bring out an income.

Talk to Each Other

The best way to stop being unhappy is to admit that you are unhappy and try to have compassion with each other.  When you admit that you are different, you will see that having compassion and being thankful is better and that you have to stop blaming each other and being defensive.

Safe Zone

When you are unhappy, you have to be clear that you are not going to be mean to each other and that you are going to have a conversation with respect and love.


Make sure you set intentions and that you know what you want to achieve.  You are the one that is in the mess and you need to create a way out.


Let your loved one know how much you love them.  Even when relationships are hard, you have to know that each person will feel some type of frustration and anger and you have to learn to get over these feelings.  It is important to be thankful for each other.

Figure Out What Works

Figure out what you both want and have clear ideas for the new contract.

Own It

Have you taken the relationship and broken it down to what your responsibilities are?  Learn to take responsibility for your actions instead of being a victim.  Take your part and realize where your mistakes are.  This will help to bring healing.


Be willing to talk about uncomfortable things such as what you are unhappy with.  Even if things are painful, you will need to face it.  Face what you are feeling and point out what makes you unhappy with your loved one.  Learn to speak without being mean or violent with each other.


Come up with solutions to fix the situation.  Learn to compromise with each other and remember that you are not making demands bu you are suggestion in how you can fix the relationship.

Brainstorm ideas so that you can put them in your sacred contract.


If you feel that it is necessary to heal, you should go to therapy and see if your loved one is willing to go with you.  Be compassionate and honest most of all.

Being Present

If you need to take a break, allow your loved one to have a break as well.  You might need to step back and reevaluate your relationship.  Do this without pressuring each other but also be reassuring and learn to negotiate without being afraid.


Do not take control of the relationship.  A healthy relationship is when both sides are important and both sides are able to say what they are feeling.

Rewrite It

After you get new terms, write it down.  Allow yourself permission to keep changing the contract as new thoughts come up.  Print it out and sign it so that it can be official.

Celebrate Each Other

After this, if your relationship survives, celebrate with each other.  This can be such a relief just to talk about what was wrong and it will make you feel lighter and happy with each other.

What If it Goes Bad?

If the contract is not negotiable, then chances are its time for you to realize if you need to leave the relationship or not.  If you have a marriage or you are fighting with your best friend, get counseling to see if it will help.  Learn to bless each other and if you cannot work it out, say goodbye and move on with compassion.

Know for sure that you love each other when you try to work it out but if you cannot, leave with grace and thank them for being a part of your life.  Loving someone can be the greatest thing but sometimes it is the hardest thing to let go of.  Learn to love each other even if you cannot be together with them.


Some people have to renegotiate their sacred contract with a friend or a partner.  When this happens, learn to be happy with the results.  If you can work it out, learn to be happy but if you cannot, leave with dignity and blessing and learn to have a happy life wherever it takes you.

When Your Best Friend is Your Soulmate

When Your Best Friend is Your Soulmate

Do you have a best friend that is someone special to you?  Have you been very close to them and knew that deep down it was more than just a normal relationship?  The truth is this person could be your soulmate.

Many people believe that a soulmate has to be a person that we are going to marry, but the truth is, that people will have multiple soulmates throughout their life.  You will meet people along your journey that will be your soulmate and they will be people that come into your life to teach you a lesson.

When you think about your soulmate, these people will be very special to you.  They can be your mom or your best friend, even your lover.  Each of these relationships will be important to you and will impact your life in positive and negative ways.  Sometimes, a soulmate will stay and sometimes they will go, but they will always be a part of you.

Here are some ways you will know if your friendship is deeper than just a friend:


You will know that you are more than friend if you are able to finish what the other person is saying or if you know what they are feeling before they tell you anything.  You will have the ability to sense the feelings of your soulmate and will know these things without them even talking.

There will be times when you will know what is wrong with your soulmate even if they are not with you and you will urge them to call you in your spirit and then they will call you.  This shows how truly connected you are.

Most people do not understand that having a soulmate can be a psychic experience and if you are truly soulmates, you will understand each other as if the other person is you.


When you make a new friend, sometimes it is hard to keep the conversations strong and going.  With a soulmate, the conversation will go on for hours on end.  You will never run out of things to talk about and you will know that your best friend is your soulmate because you will share things with each other that will help to heal each other and to complete each other.

You will be open to your soulmate and there will be nothing that you cannot tell him or her.


When we meet people, we sometimes have a hard time understanding who they are and what they want in life.  With your soulmate, you will understand them completely and you will be on their level in all things.

Even if your soulmate cannot tell you what kind of problem they are having, you will be able to figure it out because you will be so close to each other.

Sense of Humor

Both you and your soulmate will have the same crazy sense of humor that the other has.  You will laugh at things that other people don’t get and you will not even have to talk to know when your soulmate is going to find something funny.

You will feel their energies at all times inside of you.  You will know what they will find funny and you will know what makes him or her mad or annoyed.


When your best friend or soulmate is feeling sad or upset, you will feel these feelings too.  You want what is best for them and you will do what you can to get these things for them.  You will be angry when someone hurts them or causes them pain.

With your soulmate, when they feel pain, you will feel it too.  You will feel their sadness and their emotions.  When they cry, you will cry, when they feel hopeless, you will feel hopeless.  Everything that happens in their life you will feel.  You will not feel better until your soulmate is better.


Having a soulmate is a much stronger relationship than just having a best friend.  You will know that you have met your soulmate when you experience a closeness that you have found with no one else.