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What is an Empath


An empath is someone that is sensitive to the world around them. They are able to feel and know the energies of both people and places. They feel the places around them, and they pick up the emotions and the energies of those people and places.

People are becoming more and more centered and they are beginning to show that they are overwhelmed by what is going on in their life. This can happen because when there is a lot of energy, people can become overwhelmed and not know how to handle it. Empaths are people that aren’t just healers, but they can be parents, children, teachers, or a variety of many professions.

Empaths often do not realize that they have this gifting, and they are always absorbing the energies of things around them. This can cause them to question their mentality and their emotions and to even sometimes develop bad habits.

If an empath is always absorbing the energy around them, how can they survive? People that are very sensitive to energies around them have to learn to set boundaries and to know how to thrive in their world.

Signs of An Empath

There are signs that someone is an empath and even you might be one:

  • Feelings of uneasiness. You might walk into a room and not feel good or even get sick.
  • You have a terrible digestive system, and you are always having stomach problems.
  • You have mood swings when you go different places, and you aren’t sure why.
  • You are confused about what you are feeling, and you never know when your emotions are going to shift or change.
  • People come to you with their problems because they know that you will listen to them.
  • You get nervous or overwhelmed when you are in large crowds or groups of people.
  • Sometimes you feel sad and depressed and you don’t know why.
  • You are tired all the time and feel like you never have enough energy. You are healthy but lacking energy.
  • You have a hard time getting stuff done and if you have a project, it takes you a long time to complete it.
  • You find that everything brings on strong emotions for you. You might go from angry to happy in seconds.
  • You have things going through your mind constantly and you are barely able to finish a thought.
  • Your immune system is low, and you are always getting sick or catching colds.
  • You have very little patience.
  • You feel stuck.
  • You are defensive about everything that happens.

If you have these things happening to you, chances are that you are an empath. You might be someone that goes into an environment and you have sudden changes. This can leave you feeling in pain or with strong emotions.

The great news is, being an empath is a strong gift and you can use it as your greatest good in your life.

Why is Being an Empath a Blessing?

Here are some reasons why being an empath is a real blessing:

  • You can read people right away.
  • You have deeper emotions, but this can be a blessing.
  • You know what a person is really about.
  • You get psychic information.
  • You can use psychometry to read an object.
  • You are caring and loving.
  • You are able to communicate without talking.
  • You have a strong healing gift.
  • You are sensitive and you have strong emotions.
  • You can reach out to people when they are needy.
  • You want people to heal.
  • You know when something great is going to happen.

Managing Your Empath Gift

Here are some ways that you can stay strong even if you are an empath:

  • Wear crystals such as Tiger’s Eye to shield you from negativity.
  • Take salt baths to get rid of any negativity that is holding on.
  • Cover your solar plexus with a book or your hands.
  • Sage your spaces anytime you feel negative.
  • Pick up the objects that you want to know things about and leave other objects alone.
  • Hold your phone with your right ear.
  • Set strong boundaries in your relationships.
  • Activate your spiritual communication and talk to your spirit guides.
  • Always recharge.
  • Use Reiki.
  • Know when you are at your limit and you need to step away.
  • Keep your aura strong.
  • Shield your life by calling on light to protect you like a shield.
  • Put mirrors around the room to deflect negative energies.
  • Always pay attention to what you are feeling.
  • Wear yellow so that you can have joy.
  • Listen to music that is positive and calming.
  • Do breathwork.
  • Go out in nature and be in the sun or walk barefoot.
  • Use aromatherapy.
  • Let your solar plexus be strong.
  • Use copper to reenergize yourself.

Other Reasons Why Being an Empath Can Help You

Here are some more reasons why being an empath can help you:

  • To find things that are lost.
  • To know if someone is honest.
  • To show care and love to others.
  • To help you read people.
  • To have strong emotions of happiness.
  • To help others in need.
  • To know when something good is going to happen for you.

Using Healing for your Goddess Chakra Energy

Chakra Energy

People often need to have energy and to have power in their lives, but they don’t know that they can get power from the Goddesses of the chakras.

If you need to have a time to recharge your mind, body and soul, you can talk to your spirit guides and ask them to guide you to what kind of Goddess power that you need to help you to reach your higher self.

The Goddesses can help you to connect with our inner self and they can help you by honoring your feminine and masculine powers. You need to make sure that your chakras are always strong and balanced if you want to have strength and goodness in your life.

Each of the chakras are connected to Goddess power and you can do different activities in your life in order to reach your better self. When you learn to use positive affirmations, to meditate and use things like crystals and stones or essential oils, you can increase your self love and have peace and happiness in your life.

Root Chakra

The Goddess that represents the Root Chakra is the Warrior Queen Kail. She is there to help you feel secure and to give you energies when you feel like your life is falling apart.

She is grounded in the earth and you will help you to change and be stronger. If you want to reach her, go outside in nature and go barefoot.

Sacral Chakra

The Goddess Ishtar is the sacral chakra goddess. She will help you to be more creative and to bring things to your life such as love and money. If you want to have peace and joy in your life, you need to manifest her power.

Ishtar is the divine and she will be able to help you if you create a vision board to boost your powers.

Solar Plexus

In order to reach the Goddess of the solar plexus, call out to Persephone. She will help you to have more trust in yourself and in your intuition. She will help you to reach what you want in your life.

This Goddess can help you to have more power in yourself and to keep your chakras balanced. If you want to be stronger, do yoga and try the Boat Pose.

Heart Chakra

The Heart chakra is with the Goddess Kwan Yin and she will help you to have love and compassion for yourself and others.

You can use this goddess to help you have unconditional love and if you are struggling with unforgiveness, you can use this goddess to help you. The experiences that you have will give you love and compassion and will help you grow. Use the Rose Quartz when you call on her.

Throat Chakra

The Throat chakra is based around the Goddess Athena. She will help you to open up your communication and to speak the truth. She will help you to be the real person that you are meant to be.

Use this goddess to speak the truth and if you want to be stronger, eat yellow or blue foods.

Third Eye

The Goddess Isis is based around the Third Eye Chakra. She can help you to have more intuition and can help you to be more aware of what is going on around you.

Learn to make good choices and if you want to be stronger use Tarot cards to help you.

Crown Chakra

The Goddess of the Crown chakra can help you. Nuit is the goddess that gives you peace and joy and helps you to reach your higher self. Learn to be open and thankful for what you have.

If you want to be stronger in your Crown chakra, go out into the sun.


Remember that you are meant to have good desires and intentions, and these are gifts that were given to you from the universe. Learn to connect with the goddesses and learn to embrace your life to have balanced chakras.

The Chakras are meant to balance you and to help you to be strong and healthy in your mind, body and soul.

What Do Dreams About Fire Mean?

What Do Dreams About Fire Mean?

Have you been having dreams about fire and you wonder what this kind of dream can mean? Fire can represent different things that are going in your life and the important thing to know is the cause of the dream. Have a dream about fire can mean that you are wanting to be comforted or it can mean that things in your life are threatening.

When you dream of flames and fire, you might want someone to interpret your dream for you. It can be a dream that means something deadly and means destruction and when you look for people to give you hope and courage, you might dream of fire for this purpose. Fire can also represent enduring problems in your life. If you have a dream of fire, it can also mean that you have things in your path that are dangerous and that are harmful to you.

You can understand that your dreams can be interpreted, and this can comfort you or cause you fear. If the dream is a glowing flame, it can mean that you want to be warm. Dreams mean different things for different people.

Kinds of Fire Dreams

Some people dream that a fire is there, but it is not hurting them. This dream can mean that you should have embraced the flames or that you wished that you have embraced good things in your life. This dream means that you were safe and that you were in control.

When you had the dream and you felt the fire, it was what you needed, and it followed you wherever you went. You weren’t hurt by the fire and this means it was positive. It could mean something you are passionate about.

This can mean that something in your life is going to come that you need such as a promotion or a financial gift. This can also mean that you have someone in your life that makes your heart happy. You may have a hobby that is something that you love to do, and the fire can mean that you should embrace this hobby.

If you have this kind of dream and it ends and you feel good, this is a good sign for you.

Dangerous Fire

Another dream that people often have is a fire dream that is dangerous. This can be a nightmare that you have where people die from the fire or that the fire consumes things around you that are important. This can leave you having strong images that upset you or cause your hear to hurt.

Dreaming of fire that causes you suffering can be a warning that something in your life is out of control rather it is your emotions, something in your relationship or something else. This is not a good dream and can mean that you are going to lose something you love.

If you choose to change your behavior, you might be safe from this dream. Pay close attention to those around you and to the people that hurt you or cause you problems and see if this helps you to make a decision that can help you in your life.

Changing Fire

Sometimes when something bad happens we change, and we become better. There are some people that dream of fire and this is what the fire means. Even though the fire comes and destroys everything, it causes there to be change.

These changes can lead to positive things. Even when the news of the fire is hard, it can mean that you are going to struggle before some good change happens in your life. This change can lead to better relationships or to money.

One thing about change is the destruction that happens first. This can be confusing at first but there is a reason that you have this kind of dream. This can help you to embrace your future and help you to go through difficult times but to know good things are coming.

Good Flames

Not all dreams are hard and are bad and sometimes we dream, and we think that there should be emotions attached to them but that isn’t always true. Dreaming of a fire doesn’t always mean that you have something bad going to happen to you.

Maybe you are dreaming of relaxing by a fire and you are confident in your life and things are good. This can mean happiness is coming to you.

On the other hand, this dream could tell you that you need to do more in your life, and you need to reach bigger if you want to see your goals met. This can mean that you should take risks and can be a positive dream.

Understanding Dreams

Fire can be related to your personal life if you dream about it. This can represent different situations or different people that are in your life.

Maybe you dream about other things such as snakes or horses and these kinds of dreams will be different for you than your neighbor.

When you understand that dreams are different for each person, you can see that getting an interpretation of your dreams might give you the answers you need.

It is sometimes hard to interpret your dreams and to get the meaning of the dream yourself. This is why some people choose to see a psychic so that they can help them to understand their dreams and to interpret the dreams in their life.

A psychic can help you to prepare for what your future holds, and you can figure out what your dream means and have peace in your life.

The Meaning of the Master Number 1111

Master Number 1111

Do you feel that every time you look at the clock that it is 11:11 or that every time you are out somewhere that you see that number flashing before your eyes, over and over again?

If you feel this way, chances are that you have seen numbers that are repeating such as 333, 222, 1010, 111, 777 or other numbers. These numbers are part of the plan of the universe and they want to give you a message.

Meaning of Numbers

These numbers are special in all ways and it is because even numbers have a vibrational frequency. Each of them has a mathematical reason and principle that they follow, and they help us to understand life and humanity.

Pythagoras was one that helped to develop Numerology and many people believe that Numerology has been around for even more years than people knew. They know that Numerology has different numbers that have different meanings which includes names, dates, places and more.

Meaning of the Number 1111

Numerology tells us that 11 is called a Master Number. This means that the number can help you to reach your higher self or to go through your enlightenment. When you have the numbers 11 and 11 together, this is a sign that the universe is trying to reach you and tell you something.

Everyone has spirit guides and when you see these numbers, chances are that the spirit guides are trying to contact you and help you on the right path in your life. The actions that you take and the things that you do will determine what happens in your spiritual growth.

What Does 11 11 Mean?

If you see these numbers over and over again, your mind and your soul are wanting to grow. Your guides are trying to show you this and to help you reach your higher self.

Spiritual Enlightenment

When you see numbers that repeat such as 1111 or 333, this can be a synchronicity or a coincidence. This can be a time where you need to learn to pay attention to your feelings and your thoughts and what is going on in your life at the time.

If you are meditating and you see these numbers, this can be a sign that your guides want you to pay attention to what is going on and to be deeper in yourself and in what the universe has to offer you.

Repeating Numbers

Not only do repeating numbers mean that you need to pay attention, but they can also mean that you need to pay attention to your spiritual process. Are you going through the awakening and you keep seeing signs and omens that you do not understand? This could be a feeling that you get or something that makes you confused.


Being in a relationship can be exciting but if you are waiting to be in one and you keep seeing 1111, this can mean that your soulmate or your twin flame are getting closer to meeting you. As your soul grows, you ready yourself for love and if you keep seeing repetitive numbers, this can mean that your soulmate is about to come into your life.

Learn to be open minded and ready for whatever the universe wants to show you.

After Seeing 1111

If you see 1111, you might wonder what you should do next. This will come to you as you should do it. You may be going through your awakening and you might be experiencing something that is spiritual and beyond anything here on earth.

When you see these numbers, here are some things you might want to pay attention to:

What is Your Life Meaning?

Ask yourself what seeing these numbers mean to you. Do you feel something special when you see the numbers, or does it bring up questions in your life? Write down the times that you see these numbers so you can go back and read about it later.

Be Open Minded

Do not close yourself off to growth. Some people are never able to grow because they are close-minded, and they are afraid of change. When you have these feelings and you are needing to have a soul evolving, do what you can and ask yourself what you need to change.

Stay Grounded

Always make sure that you are being mindful of your spiritual being. Are you meditating and taking time to talk to your spirit guides? Doing these things can help you to stay grounded and help you to be taken care of.

Be Thankful

Always be thankful for what is going on in your life and what you have. No matter what the spirit guides give you, you should always be happy in your heart and be open to what the universe has to offer you.

Ask for Help

Ask the spirit guides to help you and to reach out to you. Learn to trust yourself and to trust them. Say your mantras and be positive and ask your soul guides to help you through anything that you are going through.

No matter what you need, you can ask them to help.

What the Numbers Mean

Once you understand that you are seeing Master Numbers, take time to figure out what your specific numbers mean. Find out what numbers you see repeating and then write them down. Ask for guidance and take time to learn about the numbers and to connect with your guides to find out what they mean.

You can find all the information that you need online to help you know what your repetitive numbers mean.

What Qualities and Abilities Does an Empath Have?


There are many different articles that talk about empaths and people that are very sensitive. They talk about the way that an empath can protect themselves from being a victim and from being weak.

Shielding and blocking can help protect an empath and help them to be well in their mind, body and spirit and it can help them to create barriers that protect them. When someone is feeling sick or imbalanced, there are positive things that can be done in order to make sure that the empaths are strong and healthy.

Empathy and Curses

Being overly sensitive and weak does not mean that you have to let life be hard for you. If you are sensitive, it allows you to help others and to love others.

Having abilities as an empath can mean that you are often confused about your emotions and that your emotions can go up and down and cause you to feel strange or even sick at times. There is a way that an empath can take care of themselves and one technique is called SOAR. Soar means to surrender, observe, accept and release.

This SOAR can be a way that you learn to live and can help you to learn to have strength and willpower and help you to be able to pay attention to your mind and your soul.

What is SOAR?

SOAR can be broken down like this:


To surrender means that you allow your mind to give in. No matter how uncomfortable you are, if you learn to surrender your emotions, then you will be able to accept them instead of putting them in the back burner. Everyone has to feel their emotions in order to identify them.


To observe your emotions means that you are taking time to know everything about yourself. You can feel, taste and even smell your emotions and this can help you to have more energy. Allow your emotions to come but do not hang on to them.

This is easy to talk about, but it is sometimes hard and that is why we all have to work to be better each day.


You must accept that you have emotions and that they are part of your body. You also have to accept that this is just for a time and that things are always changing.


Once you surrender, observe and accept your emotions, you will then be able to let them go. Once you release them, you will feel better and in power.

Using SOAR as a technique to take care of your mind, body and soul is a way that you can meditate and learn to feel better, relaxed and to visualize doing things in your life that are good. Imagine things such as being in nature or listening to calm music.

Learn to love who you are and to practice having a life that is better. Remember, being an empath is a gift and you should learn to embrace it instead of running from it.

Five Simple Energy Protection Tools and Techniques for Empaths

Protection Tools and Techniques for Empaths

Empaths have the extrasensory ability to perceive other people’s emotional, mental, and occasionally even physical states. Many people don’t realize that they have the gift of empathy, which makes them vulnerable to the strong push and pull of other people’s emotions and states.

Empaths commonly experience anxiety, depression, and low levels of self-worth because they can’t maintain centering, grounding, and separated from other people’s energy. These incursions can be prevented and removed with simple techniques and tools

Empath Energy Protection

Empaths make great friends, teachers, guides, and healers thanks to their innate ability to perceive, experience, and comprehend what other people are feeling and going through. But without the appropriate safeguards in place, empaths can easily become overwhelmed by negative people such as narcissists, large crowds, their natural inclination to say “yes,” and their instinct to try to rescue others. This limits an empath’s capacity to heal, assist, and show others the way.

Empaths often want to save friends and loved ones who don’t think they need to be saved. They naturally absorb the imbalances, anxiety, and depression of others and think they must bear those burdens. This drags empaths down.

It’s normal to experience fatigue, frustration, anxiety, and uncertainty thanks to the stressors and obligations of daily life. But these are far worse for empaths. If you’re an empath, the following five tools are game-changers when it comes to protecting yourself and preserving your energy.

  1. Crystals

Crystals help calm the mind and remove toxic negative energies. You can wear a crystal bracelet or necklace, carry a crystal in your pocket, or set crystal towers in your living and work spaces. These three crystals have properties that are especially helpful to empaths.

  • Black tourmaline is a healing gemstone and has a very calming effect on empaths. It offers empaths potent protection from negative energy, radiation, electromagnetic fields, and psychic attack. Black tourmaline is often used to promote physical healing by clearing out undesirable or trapped energy.
  • Orgonite repels negative energies and psychic attacks and blocks harmful electromagnetic fields and radiation. It’s made up of crystals and metal shavings encased in resin. Orgonite and black tourmaline together create powerful energy shields.
  • Selenite has a reputation among crystals as the Energizer battery of minerals! It never needs to be charged or cleared, but it can charge and clear other crystals. Selenite physically shields and protects against negative energy, so it makes an effective protection tool for empaths. Selenite balances emotional and mental states, casts a strong protective aura, and brings good luck.
  1. Rose Visualization

Roses hold a beautiful neutral vibration and have their own stems to siphon off negative energy, which makes them effective aura protectors. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that roses have been used by psychics, mediums, and spiritual gurus for centuries.

You don’t need physical roses to benefit from their powers. Just visualize a rose between you and who or what you want to protect yourself against. The rose will create a psychic boundary between you and the threat. You will be safe behind the rose, and the threat will remain separate from you.

  1. Grounding Cords

You may be familiar with the practice of grounding to release what no longer serves you into the earth to be recycled and healed. Grounding cords are powerful tools that have been used for centuries.

It may help if you’re outdoors when you use this technique, but it’s not necessary. To begin, take deep breaths as you visualize a line of energy forming between the tip of your tailbone and the center of the Earth. The line can be any shape or color—for example, a sturdy rope, a shaft of light, or tree roots. Once the line is set, make sure it’s straight. This line is the grounding cord that will discharge your negative or unfavorable thoughts.

Next, wrap a coil of energy around the grounding cord. This coiled cord will discharge your undesirable or cluttered emotions.

Finally, activate your cords. Say something such as, “I release unhelpful thoughts. Clear away negative emotional clutter.”

  1. Smudge with Sage

Burning sage around your home firms your intention to clean and clear your space. Pay special attention to the corners, doors, and windows, as energy gets stuck in these spaces.

It’s important to open the windows and let in sunlight and fresh air both during and after your smudging. Sunlight and fresh air help clear unwanted energy out of an indoor space.

  1. Get Back to Nature

Going outside will ground and disperse any negative energy you may be bearing. So, get some fresh air. Take a walk in a park, hike in the mountains, or stroll on a beach. Take off your shoes and walk barefoot in the grass or dirt. You’ll feel better in as little as a few minutes!

When you’re outside, breathe in the sunshine. Yes, you read that right! Don’t just feel the sun’s warmth on your skin. Imagine you can inhale the sun’s warm, golden light into your body to physically recharge and clear your aura.

For an extra boost, use water to clear away unwanted energy. Empaths’ energy needs a lot of clearing, and water is very effective for doing this. So, go for a swim in an ocean or a lake, or play near and wade into a stream or a pond. If this isn’t possible, simply take a bath or a shower.

Final Thoughts

With these powerful and effective techniques, tools, and ideas, empaths can stop getting run over by negative energy and people. Empaths can shift to a consistent position of power, balance, and strength, instead of always feeling overwhelmed, fatigued, depressed, and anxious.

Incorporating these energy protection tools into your daily routine will free you to seek and align with your life’s purpose.

The Beginner’s Guide to Lucid Dreaming

The Beginner’s Guide to Lucid Dreaming

Dreams can be used to overcome fears, practice inner work, solve problems, and explore your life purpose. The use of lucid dreaming has existed for thousands of years and is scientifically proven. This dates back to the yogis of Tibetan Buddhism who used this type of dreaming to experience the nature of reality. This article will offer advice and techniques to start lucid dreaming so you too can build self-awareness, spiritual healing, and self-love.

Lucid Dreaming Defined

Lucid dreaming is basically becoming conscious during a dream state. This can lead to intense feelings of freedom and exhilaration. The best part is you can control the dream’s outcome. You are only limited by your imagination and mind. Below, the methods of exactly how to do this are shared. However, before you start maintaining conscious awareness in dreams, you must do some mental exercises to make it easier to induce the lucid dream state.

  • Experiencing the World Exercise – This exercise sharpens the five senses and will help lucid dreams be more vivid and vibrant. Basically, you must practice consciousness to become conscious in a dream state. This means becoming aware of what you sense every day. Tune into every shape, color, and movement. Listen to every sound, pitch, and the intensity with which it is produced. Feel every texture, temperature, weight, and feeling as you move about. Taste different foods to experience bitter, sweet, creamy, crunchy, and smooth. Smell all odors, good, bad, and in between. Also become aware of yourself through your thoughts, emotions, and even breathing.
  • Asking the Golden Question Exercise – This one is simple. As you go about your day ask yourself if you are dreaming or awake in the moment. Try to justify your answer to build the habit of testing consciousness so it can be brought into the dream state. You will soon ask yourself this when dreaming. Planning helps you test reality.
  • Dream Journal Exercise – You must be able to recall your dreams to become a lucid dreamer. Each morning, for two weeks straight, wake up and immediately record your dreams in as much detail as possible, even if they sound odd. These will later help trigger lucid dreams. Look for dream signs which are impossible dream peculiarities that seem to recur.

Now that you have laid the groundwork, it is time to look at lucid dreaming techniques. Only a few are shared below, but these are the best options for getting started.

  • Autosuggestion – This technique involves making suggestions to yourself that you will have a lucid dream on a given night. This is done while in a relaxed state and after clearing the mind right before sleep. The goal is to prepare yourself to expect a lucid dream. This is highly effective with those who are easy to hypnotize. Make sure not to try too hard or the opposite result may be achieved.
  • MILD Technique – This stands for Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams and can be used with the other technique to increase the chance of a lucid dream. This is based on the principle that we remember to do things daily so we can while sleeping as well. We do this through mnemonic associations to sharpen our memory. Start with memory training by looking for a specific target during the day, like a barking dog or phone ringing. When the target occurs, ask yourself if you are dreaming and justify the answer. Use a dream journal to record the targets you hit during the day. After a week, take this to the dream world. Next, resolve to wake up and recall each dream and do so. When going back to sleep, concentrate on telling yourself you want to remember your dreams and focus only on this desire. Just before falling asleep, visualize your last dream and a common dream sign. Fall asleep with this intention.
  • WILDS Technique – This stands for Wake-Initiated Lucid Dreams which helps you fall asleep consciously. You will move directly into a lucid dream state. This starts by focusing on pre-sleep mental images when you are close to sleep, but not yet fully asleep. The images may seem fleeting, but observe anyway. When they become cohesive, the idea is to let yourself be drawn into the dream world. This requires practice, but you will get it eventually. Try to remain detached and passive. If you force it, the images will disappear. Keep repeating the phrase “I’m dreaming” as you fall asleep in a relaxed state.
  • Focusing on the Flame – This requires constant visualization and works best for those with vivid minds. Start by totally relaxing your body and mind. Then, visualize a flame of fire in your throat. Observe how the flame interacts with other images that come to mind. Maintain this visualization. Contemplate the flame until you see it. Some people find it helpful to focus on a candle flame first so the image is clear in the mind.

Staying in the Dream World

It is common for people to wake up immediately after a lucid dream begins. This can be frustrating, but it is also possible to overcome. Try the following to stay in a dream state.

  • Focus on your senses other than vision in the dream.
  • Remind yourself you are dreaming often.
  • Spin around as fast as possible in your dream.
  • Listen to your dream body breathe.

Harnessing the Power of Lucid Dreams

Lucid dreaming intrigues the mind, but it can be used for more than fun. It can be used to further your spiritual path and improve quality of life. This includes things like overcoming fears and healing the inner child. Below are some possibilities of lucid dreaming.

  • Real-Life Skills – Lucid dreaming has been used by many as a rehearsal for life. Use this type of dreaming to improve the skills you most need. It is a vivid form of visualization that can enhance motor skills. It has been proven that new skills can be learned by thinking about them and that new neural pathways are formed during this type of rehearsal. You can perfect the actions in your dreams, risk free. You can also lower performance anxiety because there is no threat in a dream state. You program patterns in the dream and real life is positively affected. Before bed, think about what you want to practice and focus your intention. Use an induction technique shared before and once lucid, navigate your dream to the skill you want to practice. Then, practice your skill and push the boundaries without risk or judgement.
  • Problem Solving – From solving intellectual problems to working through nightmares, lucid dreaming can enhance your waking life. Lucid dreaming taps into the unconscious knowledge that we cannot typically access while conscious. Start this by choosing and memorizing a problem you want to solve before bed. Turn this into a question and then use an induction technique previously shared. Once lucid, seek a solution and look for someone or something that will help. Once your satisfied upon waking, reflect on the answer throughout the day. The solution is often hidden, but present.
  • Overcoming Nightmares – Crippling nightmares keep sleep from some people, but lucid dreaming can abolish the power they hold. During lucid dreaming, approach the hostile dream figures and talk to them. This often transforms the characters into something harmless or they disappear.
  • Explore the Meaning of Life – Lucid dreaming can help you explore the meaning of life. While it is impossible to know how valid the information is, it is a fascinating way to explore your curiosity. Before going to sleep, focus on an affirmation or question like Why am I here? or Guide me to light. Use an induction technique and once lucid, repeat the question or affirmation. Be receptive in the dream and go with where it takes you. Upon waking, take time to journal.
  • Heal Your Inner Child – The inner child is the original self that carries all the joy, wisdom, and creativity. It can also be the root of anger, grief, loneliness, and addictions. Lucid dreaming allows you to work on these issues. Before going to bed, think about the intention to meet your inner child in your dreams. Focus on this and use an induction technique. Once lucid, navigate your dream to a safe space. Request out loud to speak to your inner child. Be gentle, they may be shy. They may also appear in disguise so ask if it is them. Be friendly and warm and ask if they need anything. Be generous and listen carefully. Be patient as you talk and remember it may take a few sessions to really get to know them.

Lucid Dreaming Common Questions

There are some common questions around lucid dreaming. One of which is how to interpret the lucid dreams. There are numerous ways like meditation, journaling, inducing another lucid dream for answers, or guided visualization. Lucid dreaming is unique with little to compare it to, but it is helpful and exhilarating. However, if you have a mental illness it may not be safe. If you want to introduce music to help with lucid dreaming, try biaural beats to target theta brainwave state. Above all, remember that lucid dreaming can help with every day issues or deeper aspects of our inner selves.

Past Life Memories

Past Life Memories

When you are grown up, chances are you will have a childhood memory that seems to pop out of nowhere to your mind. Maybe you have a friend that makes you think of something from your past or someone that you have not thought about in years and years.

A song can trigger these memories and can make you think of good times or of bad times or maybe you remember something that has happened in your past life. Things could be happening as usual and then all of a sudden you have memories that come out of nowhere.

There are some fears that can cause you to have past life memories and if you are scared of something that you were afraid of in your past life, it can cause you to have deep feelings and emotions.

Fears are not the only thing that can trigger these memories, there are other things that can bring these thoughts to the front of your mind.


Smells are very important, and they can evoke strong emotions. If you smell something that your mom used to clean your childhood home with or a pie that your grandma used to make, it can bring up feelings from your past.

If you have spent time with someone that had a home that smelled like a wood stove or a friend’s house that smelled like mothballs, you might have a triggered emotion.

These emotions can come up from your past life and cause you to remember things from the smells that you smell. You might not understand what is happening when you have a memory but there are ways that you can react to this and realize that this is from your past life.


Some people have traumatic events that can cause them to have different emotions later in life. There are many people that have had near-death experiences and have lost a loved one. Having a traumatic past can bring up past life memories, especially if there was trauma in the past life.


One of the biggest triggers of past life memories is meeting someone new. If you have shared a past life with this person, you might have memories of them that you do not understand.  Someone that is from your soul group will share similar memories over their lifetimes.


Some people can have an emotional reaction to certain things that they see on the history channel or read about in books. If you have been in a past life where you have been tortured or killed for something, chances are watching something on television or reading about it can trigger these memories. A great example is the Salem Witch Trials.

If you find that you have triggers when you look through history but you don’t know why, learn about past life regression and learn to meditate and relax so that you can reach your higher self.


The memories that you have might surprise you, but you might find that these memories are part of your past life and you can learn more and more about yourself and who you are and were.

Knowing the Difference Between Fake and Real Psychics and Mediums

Difference Between Fake and Real Psychics and Mediums

Are you trying to find a psychic, but you have questions that make you wonder if you can find one that is real or if they are all fake? Do you have relationship or job problems that make you feel all alone?

If you are having questions that you need to have answered, you might want to find a psychic to talk to, but you might feel afraid that you will be vulnerable to someone that is going to trick you.

There are many people that are psychics that are reliable and if you want to find out if the one that you are meeting is true or if they are fraud, you can figure it out by looking for warning signs.

Ways to Know a Fake Psychic

Here are some signs that can help you know if you are seeing a fake psychic or a real one:


A real psychic should not ask you too many questions. They should only ask you small amounts of questions because they need to not try to scam you or trick you by getting too much information.

A fake psychic will ask you more and more questions about who you are and what you want in your life so that they can give you a fake reading.

Past Life Claims

One of the biggest scams that a fake psychic will do is to tell you false information about your past life. They will tell you things like that you were a king or queen in your past life.

These fake psychics might also tell you that you went through trauma like the Holocaust.

Scaring You

A psychic that is real does not want you to live your life in negativity or in fear, but they want you to be happy and positive. A fake psychic will ask you for more money so that they can give you a better reading and take away the bad reading that you have.

Using fear tactics will cause some people to keep going back to psychics and if this is happening, they are just trying to get more money from you.


Another big sign that you need to pay attention to is that a fake psychic will tell you that you were cursed. A real psychic will never tell you this. This is a big trick and if your psychic tells you that you have to give them more money to get your curse removed, run away from them, and do not go back.

Ask More Questions

Another way to find a fake psychic is that they will ask you more questions so that they can charge you more. Here are some things that they might say to you:

  • I have never seen energy surrounding you like this before.
  • You have problems from your past life, and we can look at these problems so that we can figure out how to fix them.
  • If you want to get your ex back, I can guarantee this will work.
  • You are under a spell, but I can help you to get rid of this.
  • The predictions that I give are never wrong.
  • I see money coming to you.
  • I see love coming to you.
  • You have energy close to you of someone that died that is trying to talk to you.
  • You have a dream or a vision waiting for you.
  • I have seen you in my own dreams.
  • I have a magical spell that will help you to reach your dreams.
  • Someone with the initial “B” is close to you.
  • I got my psychic abilities from my ancestors.

Vague Answers

A fake psychic will not be able to give you real information, but they will always give you vague answers to your questions. They will only give you as much information that they can, and they will always leave you feeling unclear in your answers. Chances are that they will say things such as:

  • You have been anxious a lot lately.
  • You recently lost someone you love.
  • You need a vacation.

They will make statements that are not personal to you but would fit for everyone. A good psychic will give you specific answers and will use their intuition to connect with your spirit guides.

Bad Advice

Another obvious sign that you are talking to a fake psychic is that they will give you advice that does not help you. They will want to make you set up another appointment or they will tell you to approach a stranger. Never do this.

A real psychic will never tell you to give them more money or to talk to a complete stranger.

Things You Want to Hear

A real psychic will tell you whatever information they get, even if they know that you will not want to hear it. A fake psychic will tell you things that you want to hear so that you will come back to them.

These kinds of psychics will keep you happy and vulnerable so you will keep coming back to them over and over again.

Fake psychics will tell you that they know what you are going through, and they will trick you.

Tricks of a Fake Psychic

Make sure that you pay attention to different things that might make you vulnerable to a fake psychic. Never talk to one if you feel these things in your life:

  • Like you feel alone.
  • That you have lost someone you love recently.
  • You have a lot of hard challenges in your love life.
  • You are recently divorced.
  • You are going through financial problems.
  • You are a woman.
  • You feel unattractive.
  • You depend on others for financial help.
  • You feel helpless and hopeless.
  • You feel that you always have to be strong.

A fake psychic will use these things to as a way to make you pay them more money. The best way to seek out a psychic is to find one that has many clients and client reviews. If you are talking to a psychic that you do not know, make sure that you do not call when you are scared or worried because they can hear the inflection in your voice, and this will change their answer for you.

A fake psychic will try to hook you so that you will keep coming back and giving them money.

Good News

The good news is that even though there are many fake psychics, there are many that are real and that they care about their clients and what they tell them.

Just know who you are talking to and pay attention to the psychic that you pick so that you do not get tricked. Make sure that you search online and find a psychic that is trusted. Look at the different psychic networks and call one that seems to know what they are talking about. This can save you money and trouble.

A real psychic is valuable to you and they can help you to know if you are on the right path and help you to answer questions that are worrying you.

The first few readings that you get should be able to tell you if you are talking to a real or a fake psychic and if you notice things that make you feel that they are fake, do not use them again. Always use your own discernment to know what kind of psychic to seek.

You might find that you can find a great psychic if you seek them and you find one that seems honest and real to you.

Having Low Vibrations and Dealing with the Spirit World

Having Low Vibrations and Dealing with the Spirit World

When you open up yourself to your psychic gifts, chances are that you will be more sensitive to things around you. You will be attracted to different things in your life and you will begin to notice that there is always spiritual activity that is happening around you. Sometimes you might even find that you are surrounded by entities that have low vibrations.

The spirit world is full of energy and everything vibrates and moves. You will vibrate and move at a certain level and everything around you also vibrate and moves at a certain level. You are more attracted to those that are on the same level as you are and when your vibrations change, you will see that some people are no longer a part of your life because they are on a different level than you. This will be a time where people go their own ways.

Low Vibrational Spirits

You need to understand that a low vibration spirit does not always mean an evil spirit. Most of the time, there will be no evil spirits that come to you at all.

A low vibrational spirit is one that has not been evolved in the spirit world and therefore they do not always have your best interests in their heart. They also might not care about connecting with you or interacting with you, you are just someone that is there at the time.

When you connect to a spiritual being, you never should assume that they know more things than you know, and some signs can be there to show you when a spirit has low vibrations.

Signs of Low Vibrations

There are some sure signs that you are dealing with someone or something that has low vibrations and here are some ways that you can know:


A spirit that is evolved and has high vibrations will be focus on how you are growing and about your life. They will do things that will help you instead of trying to boost your ego. If a spirit is always complimenting you and telling you how perfect you are, this is a spirit that has low vibrations.


A spirit that is evolved will not want to do things against you and will want to see you have a good life and be the best that you can be. They will want you to make good decisions. If you have come across a spirit that is a low vibrational spirit, they will encourage you to make decisions that are bad for you.

You will regret the decisions that you make with this spirit and even when they warn you of danger, they will try to control you and make you do what they want you to do.


Everyone makes mistakes and your guide that is highly evolved will help you to get over your guilt and to move on and learn a lesson. They will understand that you have to change and go through things to grow. One that is not evolved will make you feel bad for your mistakes and will never help you to learn the lesson in your life.


Everyone has some kind of intuition and if you uncomfortable around a spirit that you are talking to, chances are that you are around a low vibrational spirit. Pay attention to what your intuition is telling you and if you feel afraid or uncomfortable, get away from this spirit and find safety in yourself.