How to Use the 7 Styles of Rune Healing


VF_IratzeHealing is a very popular subject, especially metaphysical healing, as it seems like everyone wants to live long, strong and healthy. In my opinion, all of the runes have a potential to be used in healing in many ways. Even ones that don’t seem to make perfect sense, like Hagalaz, have a potential for being using in healing methods.

Rune healing covers a very wide range and there’s a lot of information that you can find on the internet. But the key point to rune healing is energy. The New Paradigm of the Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that all is energy. You and I are energies, the runes are energies, our planet, Solar System, Galaxy and even the Universe is energy.

The Runes are keys to the Creative Energies of the Universe. They are the most powerful symbols and tools you can use to attract more health, wealth and love into your life.

Since we are energy beings we connect to all other energies in the Universe with our Auras. In fact the energies we carry in our Auras attract our physical realities. You want more health, wealth, and love? Then you must have the energy that vibrates to health, wealth and love in your Aura.

ya__healing_runes_by_randomperson107-d4n50ieThen you must have the patience to allow these energies in you Aura to attract your new reality of health, wealth and love. It takes time.

Another powerful law of Quantum Physics is the law of Resonant Frequencies. A Rune UR symbol is a resonant frequency to the Universal healing energy. Like attracts like.

By practicing one of the following seven methods of Rune healing you can attract the healing energies of UR out of the Quantum Ocean of all energies and into your Aura.

Once the rune UR energy is in your Aura, it will start the healing process that will bring you health.

The following seven methods need a symbol of the UR Rune to be effective.

1. Rune Breathing: With the Ur Rune in your lap, look at it and intone “I am now breathing the divine healing energy of the Rune Ur out of the Quantum Ocean and into my Aura.”

2. Rune Magic: This is a wide open field for you. Runic magic is the most visible tip of a school of magic called the Northern Path. Northern magic uses the myths, god forms, philosophy, and ritual forms of the various Germanic tribes. Part of that magic is the runes.

3. Rune Yoga: Practice the Rune Ur body and hand postures.

hqdefault4. Rune Meditation: With the UR Rune in your lap relax, breathe deeply and meditate upon it. No thoughts just a simple runic meditation.

That is all you have to do. Your mind will make the needed connection.

5. Rune Cooking: Make a batch of your favorite cookies and inscribe or make an icing symbol UR on them. Every day eat one knowing that the laws of Resonant Frequencies will attract and unleash the healing power of Ur into your body.

6. Rune Mantras: The power of the spoken Rune Mantras is not to be overlooked.

7. Rune Radionics: The 21st century has not only given us the Laws of Quantum Physics, but also the Internet and the new Science of Radionics. Combining Runes with Radionics powers up all your Rune exercises.


  1. The idea that runes can tap into universal healing energies is captivating. It’s worth considering how these practices align with or diverge from traditional medical approaches.

  2. The integration of quantum physics principles with ancient rune practices is quite innovative. I’m curious to see if any interdisciplinary studies have been conducted to validate these methods.

  3. The concept of using runes for healing is intriguing and connects well with quantum physics’ focus on energy. However, practical applications and empirical evidence are still areas needing more exploration.

  4. While the theoretical foundation of rune healing is fascinating, I wonder if there are any documented case studies or anecdotal evidence supporting its efficacy.

  5. The notion that runes, as symbols, can influence our auras and physical realities is a compelling blend of metaphysics and psychology. It invites further philosophical discussion.

  6. It’s interesting how ancient practices are being recontextualized with modern scientific paradigms. This synthesis might offer new insights into how we understand healing and energy.


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