Doing a 3-Rune Reading

Doing a 3-Rune Reading

When you want to be more spiritual and find a tool that can help you tell the future or increase things in your life, using runes might be your thing. Runes are letters that are from the runic alphabet, and they were used to communicate with others. This kind of divination has been around for centuries and was part of the Germanic tradition.

Runes have been used for divination for centuries because they are powerful and the alphabets can help to give you guidance in areas of your life such as your relationships, jobs, travel, love and so much more.

Understanding Runes

Runes are 24 letters that have a sound and a symbol. They have pronunciation that has a spiritual meaning, and they are considered to be magical. Runes have been around for years, and they are often used to contact people that have died like talismans and to get guidance for life.

Runes can be carved into different materials such as bones, shells, wood, stones, or even they can be written down on paper. Sometimes people engrave them on jewelry or on other things and carry them around. Carrying a rune is thought to keep people and their families safe.

You can choose to cast runes as a tool of divination, and you can use them with other tools like oracle cards or tarot cards.

Doing a 3-Rune Reading

It is important that you get familiar with the runes before you ever do a reading. You need to understand how they pertain to the situation that you have. Picking your set of runes is important and you should find a set that you’re connected with. Put them in a cloth or a velvet bag to protect them.

Before you do a reading, take time to meditate and find a place that you won’t be disturbed. You might want to take a few minutes to hold on to the runes in the bag before you start.

Doing a 3-Rune reading means that you will first think of the problem or the question that you want to have clarity with. Put the rune bag in front of you and pull out a rune without looking and put it in front of you. Don’t change the direction of the rune once you pull it. Each rune will have a message that is different depending on the direction it lies.

You can pull out two runs and put them beside the first one you pulled. The first should be on the right, the second in the middle and the third on the left. This means the runes will be in the order of 3, 2, 1.

Rune 1: This is one that means the situation at hand.

Rune 2: This is the one that shows you what challenges you are facing that you might not realize.

Rune 3: This rune shows you the advice or the outcome that could come from the situation that you are facing.

Final Thoughts

Look at your spiritual self and see if rune reading is something that seems important to you. If you feel drawn to this, you can use it to help get answers when times are hard or when you are confused.


  1. The detailed explanation of rune meanings and their applications in life scenarios is educational. It shows a practical side to what might otherwise be considered purely mystical.

  2. The recommendation to find a personal connection with your set of runes is insightful. Personal resonance likely enhances the effectiveness of divination practices.

  3. The methodology for doing a 3-Rune reading is clearly outlined. It appears to be a structured way to gain insight into personal quandaries.

  4. Meditation before a rune reading seems to be emphasized for clarity. This parallels with other practices that involve grounding oneself before seeking answers.

    • Taking time to connect internally before engaging in any divination practice might enhance the overall experience.

  5. The integration of runes with other divination tools like tarot cards suggests a versatile approach to spiritual guidance.

    • Indeed, combining various tools could potentially offer a more comprehensive understanding of one’s life situations.

  6. The step-by-step guide for a 3-rune reading is quite clear. Meditation before starting seems to be a crucial part of the process.

  7. I appreciate the detailed explanation on the symbolic and phonetic aspects of runes. This adds depth to the understanding of their spiritual significance.

  8. The historical context of runes provided in the article is quite enriching. It’s interesting to see how ancient practices can find relevance in modern times.

  9. The history and usage of runes as described here are fascinating. Understanding their cultural significance adds depth to their use in modern times.

    • Indeed, the cultural heritage behind runes provides a rich context that enhances their mystical applications.

  10. The comparison between runes, oracle cards, and tarot cards invites further exploration. Each tool seems to offer unique insights.

    • Yes, it raises the question of how these different tools complement or differ from each other in practice.

  11. The notion of carrying runes for protection is fascinating. It reminds me of other cultural talismans and their perceived powers.

  12. This article provides a comprehensive guide to understanding runes for divination. It’s interesting how different cultures have unique methods for seeking guidance.


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